

  • Hello from Brighton!! Last month went terrible for me... i just ate and ate and did very little exercise. This month is going to be better! The sun is shining so no excuse to get outside. My weakness is wine and chocolate!! Anyone else have this weakness? Goal this month is to reach my half way point 5.2kg and to start the…
  • Starting L2 Today!! Really glad i am i was starting to get a little bored of Level 1. Anyone else know exactly the words off by heart! L2D1 ill update tomorrow how i get on at it!!
  • Im terrible .. sometime i dont even drink a glass a day!! I getting terrible headaches and my skin is bumpy from not drinking enough water. Im going to try annd drink at least 8 glasses. One down 7 to go!!!
  • L1D4-- The back on my right leg hurts not sure what ive done to it. I find the lunges the hardest to do i keep thinking my knee is going to go over my feet. Anyone else find this? Its a pretty tough work out I have to say. i find the stretches at the end very hard to do I cant do the spilts position at all!! One thing that…
  • Hi Blankiefinder! Yes i just put it in as 20 hard aerobics.. not sure if that is right though. Im off to do mine now im on L1D2!! Here i go.....
  • Hi all im on L1D2 of the 30 day shred and boy my arms ache.. I find the lunges with the arm raise is realy tough going esp making sure your knees dont go over your feet aaghhh.. Looking forward to doing it again later on. Do you have to do it everyday or can you have a rest day? Also what do u put it in as in your part of…
  • I love Chocolate I have such a sweet tooth, but im trying my best not to give in. Favourite chocolate is Kinder Bueno and Flake. Ive been snacking on cherry and orange tic tacs to curve my cravings. But i adore any chocolate.. yum..