30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • megharber
    megharber Posts: 13
    I just started it this morning, but I am not sure how to log what I did for exercise on this site. Does anyone have any clues? I'm going to do this work out and mix in pilates. Does anyone know if we are to do it daily with no breaks and if its ok to do it twice a day?
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    Just finished L2D2. I'm getting a little frustrated with the Shred. With the exception of this past weekend when I was away, I have done the workout consistently for 12 days. I'm sweating my butt off and I'm continually sore the following day (today I had a hard time jogging earlier in the day because of soreness in my shins and knees) but...I haven't really lost any weight. At all. What gives?

    I'm frustrated too - not necessarily with the Shred but with my body and this whole journey! I've been eating really well for over a month with barely a cheat and NO ALCOHOL :drinker: (it's summer - I should be enjoying the patios!) and I wasn't losing any weight by eating well and walking for miles a day so I figured I should step it up and incorporate some weight training, so out came the 30 day shred dvd and omg I never sweat so much in a workout! I figured this has got to work... pfffft. Lost a pound and now I'm up 3 (but I refuse to change my ticker cuz I'm hoping it's just water weight or something and every day I keep hoping that 3 lbs disappears but it's not). :frown: People keep telling me it's my muscle building up but whatever. I was muscular before and didn't weigh 167 lbs! Grrrrrr....:mad:
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Tugh! Did L2D8 today and burned it OUT! I went into it with the intention of not taking ANY breaks, and I only took one break...well, technically they were two half breaks, so it counts out as one in my book lol. If I found the advanced move to be too hard, I just followed Anita. This is the first day I've been so good about it, usually if the advanced move (hell, the REGULAR move) is too hard I just take a break. Not today! :drinker: :bigsmile: :blushing:

    Because of that total PUSH to finish and finish strong, I burned 256 calories instead of the normal 248. Eight extra calories...wooooo! However, I am noticing that my knees are getting worse as the days go by. I think I need to either work on my form, or start taking some days off in between the shred to keep from SHREDDING my knees! :laugh:

    Keep it up ladies, we can DO this! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    I started the DVD 2 days ago and I LOVE IT, I'm enjoying my pain :) I'm new at this site but so far it's helping me for what I'm reading. Thank you all
  • irishclaire
    Starting L2 Today!! Really glad i am i was starting to get a little bored of Level 1. Anyone else know exactly the words off by heart! L2D1 ill update tomorrow how i get on at it!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Did L2D2 last night. I have to say that I can do most of it, with the modified planks of course. I just try to keep my butt down and do the easy version. Its still tough, I can really feel it in my abs. I will be glad to move on but will love my arms when this level is complete. I moved on to do 35 mins on the elliptical too. It was late, but I had to. I had a DQ blizzard last night. It was good, but not good enough for pushing that far over my cals.

    Continuing on the shred. Don't plan to take another break for awhile.
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Hey gals! Just checking in!

    My Ace knee braces came today - YAY! They squeeze the crap out of my legs but I guess that's the point (support) right? Sooooooo ... back to Shredding tomorrow - or maybe tonight! Hee!

    While I've been waiting, I did a boxing workout and the Firm kettlebell accelerated routine last night. So I'm still workin' it ... AND I am thinking of trying a Zumba class next week.

    Funny how spending energy GIVES you energy, right? :happy:
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I have been out of the SHRED since last Thursday! I had a really busy weekend and then was out of town first of the week...I'm way behind!! I'm scared of the scale tomorrow, while I was out of town I ate horribly!! Oh well....starting back today!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I agree with the other recent posts about the frustrations...I'm also hardly losing any weight - maybe a tiny little bit - but I would expect that anyway from my regular routine. Weight loss is very slow for me and I'm usually losing about 0.2kg/0.5lbs a week. However, I really must say the Shred has helped my stomach - and this is my worst area, I absolutley hate it (!!!) - so for that, I am really grateful and still motivated to continue!! Perhaps the bikini body is possible after all, okay I am never going to look like a super model/celebrity (I have loose skin for a start!) but at least I might wear one without people gawping in horror by September! Maybe you don't lose the weight the DVD claims unless you have a lot to lose? Like at the start when she says (I have 400lb people that can do jumping jacks...I would imagine you could lose the advertised 20lbs in 30 days then!?) I only had 8kg to lose...sadly the whole 8kg was on my tummy (no exaggeration! I have great legs, okay arms, some not so great muffin tops but the worlds most gross stomach. My other half says 'Grandma-rolls' you get the picture...)

    I have now done 20 days of the Shred and so should be moving onto LEVEL 3! Agh!
    Glad it falls on a weekend when I can do it feeling fresh rather than after a hard day at work. I am intrigued, but have found Level 2 hard so who knows what's to come...!? A little sad the 30 days is drawing to a close, but also looking forward to being a bit more flexible with it - I like the post where you mixed up the levels on different days...sounds like a great plan. :smile:
  • bikinimission
    Ah Guys! I'm so pleased that other people are noticing the stress this puts on the knees and it's not just me! I've never had a knee problem before and now, 5 days into level 2 i'm finding that I have to do squat presses instead of lunges as my left knee is agony! Not good!

    Otherwise, 15 days in total into the shred I'm afraid I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference in my weight or measurements... i'm about to update my blog with 1/2 way measurement comparisons but there's not really a lot to tell!! I did think that I was a little bit tighter round my middle and that my love handles were shrinking a wee bit but now I really think it might just be wishful thinking!

    I'm still going to continue to the end though and also try to step up my jogging if my knee allows. 15 more days and I hope I'll be able to report a bit more positively!!

    Onwards and upwards!

    Hope everyone else is getting on well :)
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around this week. Work has kept me pretty busy so I have been exhausted by the time I get home at night. I weigh-in this morning and I am amazed I lost instead of gained weight this week. Lost 1.4 lbs and lost .5" in my bust, chest, waist,thighs and upper arms. Off for another busy morning at work but thankfully I will only be there for four hours today (keeping fingers crossed). Hope everyone has a great day! :)
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Did L2D3 last night.

    I guess having gone through this program and not losing, I didn't have the expectation that I would lose this time. However, the last time I went through it I did get toned and stronger. And, after I was done I started doing an hour on the elliptical most nights and that helped me drop 10 pounds last fall. I'm hoping to do the same this time. I think that building the muscles helps to drop the weight, but maybe not initially - after they are built a bit.

    I will probably stick with level 2 until next weekend. I probably won't get any shreds in next weekend as I'm doing the relay for life, but I plan to walk a lot. I'll start level 3 on 6/28 most likely. I'm so looking forward to that! I love level 3.

    For those that like these workouts, I would suggest Jillian's No More Trouble Zones. She does a lot of the same moves on there, with more focus on the abs. However, I felt like it was easier to not take breaks. It seems like she moves to the next move a bit quicker. The workout is a little longer, like 40 minutes, but I love it. I think its effective.
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    I've had a rough week. I need to shred and was going to this morning but my power went off last night so I slept in til 7am! I'm off work early today and am going to get my haircut which hopefully will help me feel better about myself (I'm growing my hair out after cutting it off last summer after a bad breakup - should NEVER do that!!!). I hate the ugly in between stage and am looking forward to feeling more stylish - hopefully my hairdresser can work some magic!

    Yoga was good yesterday and I'm feeling it in my thighs and hips and abs today so that's one thing at least!

    I'm researching and thinking about joining a gym. In the past it's usually been a waste of my money but this time I feel more motivated and dedicated to going regularly. I'll join after my vacation in July. We'll see how it goes.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So, L1D10 was done last night. Starting level 2 today and I'm nervous, lol! Happy shredding everybody!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    I fell behind on the shred so I should be doing day 4 of level 2 tomorrow along with my usual Couch 2 5K training. I'll be moving on to level 3 in a week or so then.

    Keep it up ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Omg... Just omg.

    L2D1 done. Wow, wow, wow. My hands hurt! I shouldn't have done it in the basement on hard concrete floors, lol. It was fun though. :)
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Did L2D9 yesterday, going to do L2D10 tonight after the mini goes to bed.

    I got very active today though! Went swimming with my daughter this afternoon and then took her to the park (which is a 3 mile walk that, according to my HRM, made me burn 460 calories! Oye!) so the Shred is going to be very difficult today, I think. But I'm committed to doing it since it is my LAST day of Level 2...thank goodness.

    Keep it up ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    L2D4 done.

    Ladies, you are all doing great!!! Keep up the good work and we'll all be SHREDDED before we know it. :bigsmile:
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Okay, I am foregoing L2D10 tonight since my butt is WHOOPED from all of the activity I did today!

    I'm just going to move on to Level 3 tomorrow, I think I'm ready for a change! I'll let you all know how I did ;)
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Phew! Did Level 3 today, and let me tell you...easier than Level 2. Seriously.

    The rock star jumps BLOW, but everything else was easy enough to do, and actually way more fun than allllllllll of the crazy plank moves from L2!

    If you are on Level 2 and are terrified that Level 3 will kick your booty, don't stress yourself out. I was pleasantly surprised by how do-able every workout was :happy:

    Keep it up, ladieeeees :flowerforyou: