

  • Bangkok, Thailand :) I went to college in Wellesley, MA though! But now I'm back in my hometown of Bangkok, working the corporate world.
  • I was born and bred in Thailand and I've been to Hong Kong on several occasions. I completely empathize that living in Asia makes it difficult to estimate calories since it's almost impossible to find caloric information for local dishes. And yes, food in Hong Kong is exquisite and I love them to bits, but they ARE really…
  • I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 106lbs. Only 2 more pounds to go until then, but I'm thinking of pushing through until I reach 101lbs - that way I'll have a 5lb "safety net".
  • Yes I totally empathize! It doesn't matter the amount of calories I consume during a binge, or how "healthy" the food I binge on are - it's the all-consuming wave of emotion that overcomes me during these binges that I'm really concerned about. I would feel helpless when I binge, taken over by this crazy, compulsive eater,…