I have a binge eating problem.



  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I have a binge eating problem too. I'm not really good at sharing so I am glad you all did. I can relate to so many of you! I will be sending friend requests. :smile:

    For me, it's the behavior that makes it a binge, not necessarily the amount or kind of food eaten. The behavior for me is like I'm being driven to eat against my will...it is uncontrollable and definitely emtional, not physical, hunger.

    I also struggle with obsessing with my weight. It's such a strange dichotomy.

    I know all the things to do when feeling like bingeing, know all the tools to use, have read tons of books and stuff on eating disorders and recovery but to me it's such a hard thing to overcome. For those who have overcome binge eating, how did you do it?
  • kconfetti
    Yes I totally empathize! It doesn't matter the amount of calories I consume during a binge, or how "healthy" the food I binge on are - it's the all-consuming wave of emotion that overcomes me during these binges that I'm really concerned about. I would feel helpless when I binge, taken over by this crazy, compulsive eater, and then after the binge I would feel really upset with myself. I'm trying to find a way to avoid binging, because it's keeping me from my goal weight, but yes, it's really hard.

    P.S. My BMI is on the lower range, and my friends/family have been telling me that I should gain weight, and that's one of the rationalizations that emerge during my binges - I'd think, "everyone's telling me to gain some weight, so I'm doing the right thing" - but in the end, this rationalization never makes me regret binging any less.
  • astraea82
    astraea82 Posts: 17 Member
    I completely agree with kconfetti and greekygirl. Sometimes I think it's a bad thing that people tell me I look like I'm in good shape, b/c then internally I think "well, I guess that means I can eat whatever I want" and I end up bingeing.

    And I hate that compelling feeling to keep getting up and keep going into the kitchen for food. It feels like someone else is controlling my feet, that even though I feel completely full from whatever I ate, I still need to eat more b/c it "feels good" while I am doing it.

    I've been about 2 or 3 weeks without bingeing now, but sometimes I still feel "relief" when I just picture myself sitting down and eating something. So I try to fight it. I even sometimes listen to this hypnosis thing that is supposed to help fight cravings.

    So good luck,everyone, in fighting the good fight. We can make it through!
  • xdaysbingefree
    xdaysbingefree Posts: 98 Member
    I can definitely relate to the "relief" feeling! Knowing that I am not going to let myself overeat makes me feel a sort of stress