Hi from Asia

Hi everyone,

my name is Annemarie - I am a 24 year old German girl. Currently, I am living and studying in Hong Kong.
I have been struggeling with my weight for the past 5 years. At the age of 17 I started gaining weight up to BMI 30. I wanted to lose weight but I did not know where to stop and ended up being underweight.
That was in 2008 and I have been losing and gaining weight ever since.

Being in Asia makes it hard for me to control my diet because there are so many dishes I do not know at all, so I cannot estimate whether they contain lots of fat and calories or not. However, I want to be more active. The past 6 months I spent in the UK working in an office. Now that I am back to being a student, I want to go to excercise on a regular basis.

Lots of love,

An Mei


  • Kimmykatter
    Welcome!! :smile:

  • anmei2411
    Thank you! :)
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Hi Anmei!

    I here to offer any support and advise i can, iv been aound MFP for 6 months and always happy to befriend anyone who wants help :) add me if you like
  • Prozack1964
    Welcome here and I hope you have a great day
  • kconfetti
    I was born and bred in Thailand and I've been to Hong Kong on several occasions. I completely empathize that living in Asia makes it difficult to estimate calories since it's almost impossible to find caloric information for local dishes. And yes, food in Hong Kong is exquisite and I love them to bits, but they ARE really high in calories and fat content. Have you considered trying to cook dishes at home? That way you can control the fat content and ballpark the calories yourself, and it makes it that much easier to maintain a healthy diet. And going to the gym would help offset the high caloric content of the local dishes, so you'll get to savor the scrumptious food without too much damage to your weight. Either way, I say just enjoy the food! Just do so in moderation and you'll be just fine ;) Enjoy your time there!
  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I hope you'll find the support network as helpful as I have! Good luck! :)
  • anmei2411
    You are definitely right it would make more sense to cook for myself. Unfortunately, I am living in a dorm. There is a kitchen but that is shared between 400 people that is exactly how it looks like ;) Nevertheless, I bought some stuff yesterday and I was going to give it a try.
    Other than that I usually go for something with boiled rice. I do mind carbs, so it should be fine. My biggest weakness are deep fried dumplings. I know they must be fatty and unhealthy but soooooooooooooooo tasty!