jfarn422 Member


  • Thanks so much for all these quotes. It is noon here and I have 200 calories left-- I know I need to go home and do the Jillian Shred tape and keep the plan going! I'm going to print these out and hang them on my fridg, my livingroom and my work-out mat! Thanks again! :smile:
  • If it is a struggle like it was for me I adjusted how quickly I want to lose (1pound/week). 1250 was not enough for me and I found myself cheating and going WAY over out of a starvation response. Now I get 1500 and that is enough to keep me satisfied and I never cheat now.
  • I drop the weights too. It is more important to train your body to get through the whole thing. --- If I keep the weights and don't finish the tape I think I am worse off than limiting the resistance and finishing! I think we're all doing pretty good! This thing is so difficult!
    in Check in Comment by jfarn422 March 2012
  • "don't quit on me. I know you feel that little knot in your stomach that is fear leaving the body people!" Hahah. I find that if I talk along with her it feels better. I looked at level 3 -- just to see if I could do it and I made it through. I actually thought it is was bit easier than 2. All that plank pose BS--- I only…
  • The first couple day that I did the shred i didnt use hand weights. It really helped me build stength & confidence and avoid discouragement. I started level 2 on Monday of last week and decided tuesday to do Level One again, haha. We just have to do what works to keep it going and avoid excuses.
  • I'm doing it. I have tried it before but didn't stick with it. I've been doing it since last monday this time around--- Im thinking about moving on to level two. My best advice it start easy--- don't use hand weights the first time you do it--- it is still a great work out and not so discouraging. Add me as a friend if you…
  • The minestrone soup is good AND it has beans (protien) and low calorie... the only tough thing will be staying away from those breadsticks.
  • My sister and I have been using this tactic (she started eating better 6months ago, I started 6 days ago hahah): If there is food on your plate and you're tempted to eat it (even though you will be over your calorie count or too full)---- something that can stop you is to visualize that food as something terrible that you…