Is 1250 cals a day enough?

Hello everyone!
I was able to meet my first goal weight of 145 lbs last week, and now I am on to my second goal weight- 135 lbs. I adjusted my MFP settings and I am now only allowed to have 1250 cals a day. I exercise about 4 times a week, or when I am able to (I work full time and have a 6 mo old baby). Is 1250 calories a day enough? I'm finding it difficult to stay around that amount.


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Hello everyone!
    I was able to meet my first goal weight of 145 lbs last week, and now I am on to my second goal weight- 135 lbs. I adjusted my MFP settings and I am now only allowed to have 1250 cals a day. I exercise about 4 times a week, or when I am able to (I work full time and have a 6 mo old baby). Is 1250 calories a day enough? I'm finding it difficult to stay around that amount.

    Short answer no.

    Set your goal at .5 lbs per week and aim to eat 50-75% of your exercise calories.
  • jfarn422
    jfarn422 Posts: 10 Member
    If it is a struggle like it was for me I adjusted how quickly I want to lose (1pound/week). 1250 was not enough for me and I found myself cheating and going WAY over out of a starvation response. Now I get 1500 and that is enough to keep me satisfied and I never cheat now.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    That seems pretty low. You could change your goal to lose .5lbs a week. That would add some calories.
    Make sure you eat back your exercise calories as well.
    How many calories do you burn on days you workout?
    You could add those up with your calories for a week and divide it so you dont have to eat less on non- workout days.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    For me, yes. Everyone is different
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    Good luck you will get a multitude of answers.