

  • scientifically - there is no "better time'' to exercise. weightloss is a simple equation of total calories in - total calories out. as above people have different prefernces to when they exercise - some perfer morning / mid day / evenings - as long as your moving it doesnt matter when! hope this helps =]
  • Roman chair knee raises and twists - such a burn in abs and obliques. and the plank (front, back and side) is a good simple yet most effective exercise and you can alter the intensity of it just by changing a few simple parts of you :) one other - any of the ab exercises you can do on a BOSU is great - the bosu challanges…
  • Pump actually is classified as a aerobic class - because you are doing so many reps at a constant high pace you are using your aerobic system to get through the tracks. The difficult part here is everyone burns different rates of calories because there are so many factors that come into play (such as percentage of bodymass…
  • im new to this also! :)
  • Hi im new to this too - (2nd day) - still getting used to the site - any inspiring people out there feel free to add :)