Body Pump

Evening All :-)

I've just done a 60 minute bodypump class and wondering what i should log it as. Some people have been logging it as circuit training which for me would burn 419 cals and i've seen others put it as strength training under cardio which would burn 157cals. Now that's a huge difference so you'll see my dilemma!

I'd really appreciate some advice on this - thanks :-)



  • julie204
    julie204 Posts: 130
    that is such a good question to ask as i wanted to do a fitness d vd and was wandering what to put it under
  • personally, i'd rather under estimate the calories burned than over estimate, ya know? that way i don't totally screw myself if i eat something i shouldn't just because i worked out. **shrugs** but that's me.

    i suppose you could look at how sweaty you get when you do body pump & how you're breathing. if you can hardly catch your breath when you're doing it, i'd say it's a high intensity & more calories burned. easier breathing, less calories burned. same thing with sweating... in order to burn calories, you gotta sweat & when i've done it, i haven't sweat that much. so i'd again be more likely to log it under strength training/cardio.
  • charben
    charben Posts: 2 Member
    I wear a calorie monitor set to my weight which is 210lbs at the moment. I usually burn between 450 and 500 calories per class. I use fairly big weights. Hope this helps!
  • I have some friends who burn up to 550 calories doing an hour of Bodypump so I'd go ahead and put it as circuit training. 419 sounds pretty accurate. WTG!!!
  • amyloola
    amyloola Posts: 56 Member
    I would log it as circuit training, 419 does sounds fairly accurate, pump class is quite an intense class, I'm trying to get brave enough to start going back to pump :)
  • AmandaCG
    AmandaCG Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 34, 5'3 , weight 118, my HRM says I burn about 200. I would put it as weight training because while your heart rate is elevated, its not a cardio class.
  • Thanks for the advice. I think i may just go with the cardio strength training otherwise i may end up over eating! I'm 5ft 2 and 115.5 so i guess 157 it is! Gutted - i was well up for some more food this evening!
  • AmandaCG
    AmandaCG Posts: 46 Member
    I know, I was very disappointed in the actual burn too. I felt like I worked a whole lot harder than a measly 200 cals....and honestly its not even 200....its been more like 177-180...Have to remember its not always about the calorie burn. Especially when you are doing weights.
  • Pump actually is classified as a aerobic class - because you are doing so many reps at a constant high pace you are using your aerobic system to get through the tracks.
    The difficult part here is everyone burns different rates of calories because there are so many factors that come into play (such as percentage of bodymass / body fat / age / gender etc..) and also depends on how hard you actually work (i.e using 5kg for squats track in comparison to someone lifitng 15kg)

    if you can borrow of buy a watch that calculates your heart rate etc.. and can give you a better estimation of what you have burned.

    pitty thou this site doesnt actually list pump or any of the les mills classes on it.

  • the lady who teaches my class told me that the 530 cals that it says it burns on the Les Mills body pump website is not just during the class... it's also counting the calories burned while your muscles are in recovery mode as well. so i think lower is probably better... unfortunately :(
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Unfortunately this one is really dependent on how hard you worked yourself. It's definitely more of a burn than regular strength training.