tn2010 Member


  • My salads either have chicken, tuna, salmon, ground turkey or feta on them. Beans would be another great source of protein. My ideal is to have leftovers from the previous night's dinner, so I often make more than enough so I don't have to think about lunch the next day! Especially with a newborn, I suggest doubling your…
  • I've lost 35 pounds in a year. The lowest my calories have gotten is 1360. I haven't been good about exercise and honestly I've just been trying to maintain since about February. I've steadily lost a pound a month without counting calories this spring, but now that summer is here and I'm not working (I'm a teacher), I've…
  • I have a 2 year old and an almost 5 year old. I live in the Northwest, but have lived in Colorado and Greece and packed on the weight with the moves AND while pregnant. I've lost 35 pounds in the last year and I'm hoping to lose up to ten more...or at least tone what I have! Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • 1 can chickpeas/garbanzo beans 2-3 t tahini 1/3 c water 3T fresh lemon juice 1/4 c olive oil 1T minced garlic 1/2 t ground coriander 1/2 t ground cumin 1T minced parsley salt and pepper to taste
  • I push through the exercise because, ultimately, it always makes me feel better. There's a whole chapter in the 17 Day Diet for just this problem. It says to eat fish, lean protein, soy, natural carbs, water-laden veggies, probiotics, 1-2 T of flaxseed oil daily, and up to 1 oz of dark chocolate a day. So, if you're low…
  • I reset my % to reflect higher protein and fat. Having a hard time hitting my protein, which is surprising 'cause I tend to have a lot throughout the day. Did an hour workout today...6 Week 6 Pack, 100 Push Up challenge, 5 min. on the elliptical (during my push-up recovery times), and 1.5 mile run. Feelin' good about it.…
  • When I had gestational diabetes I was given similar parameters...but you could subtract half the amount of fiber from the carb count. It's quite the formula to constantly be thinking about. My advice (which you of course don't need to take): Lots of veggies and protein, small amounts of whole grain carbs (other than the…
  • I think we may be sisters... :laugh:
  • It happened to me starting last summer. I started tracking when it happened and what I had been eating (easy to do w/ your mfp journal...just log the nausea in the notes section). Then I was able to share my issues with doctors. It turns out I'm sensitive to gluten and have since cut it out of my diet.
  • Back on track today. I need to up my protein tomorrow as I was starving an hour after eating all day today.
  • i made this the other night. Simple and healthy: I used rice noodles instead of egg and they were great!
  • Maybe I am misinterpreting your question, but it sounds like you have flavored coffee BEANS that you brew yourself? That's a no-calorie win! If you are talking about brewed coffee with flavoring added in, that's a different story.
  • I just did it for added calories. Drink up! :drinker:
  • I'd research other flavored coffee blends and see what their calorie count is and then use that as a rough estimate.
  • Not through with the day yet, but we have friends coming over for a bbq, so chances are slim that I'll get around to checking back in. I've logged in another day of JM's 6W6P, as well as another day of the 100 push up challenge and an extra 15 minutes of cardio on the elliptical. Add all that up with some pretty…
  • I lost quite a bit of my chest with my 35 lb. weight loss. I'm still plenty big, but I've got friends who had reduction surgery and then after losing a lot of weight had to have implants. Stick with it this time, we're all here to help!
  • Started with 3 lb. weights, moved to 5 lb. I started the 6W6P with 5 lb. I had incredible results with the 30DS, lost something like 11 inches combined from waist and hips. Definitely was eating really well at the same time and drinking tons of water. I worked out a minimum of 5 days/week and often did an extra 15-30…
  • Breakfast burritos, frittata (crustless quiche, basically), as the protein in a big salad.
  • And to answer your second question, as much as possible I try to make extra servings of dinner and take leftovers for lunch thus cutting back on my list. Or, I'll cut up leftovers of the protein (chicken, steak, etc) and put it over a salad for lunch. My breakfast and snacks are almost always the same thing.
    in Lunch Ideas Comment by tn2010 June 2011
  • I often have a salad topped with a small can of water-packed tuna or salmon, tomato, cucumber, vinegar and a small drizzle of olive oil. Very filling.
    in Lunch Ideas Comment by tn2010 June 2011
  • I've done both and I would definitely suggest doing the shred first. I'm doing 6W6P right now and I think it's harder than the shred. I don't know that I could do them both. The shred is a shorter workout (20 min) and 6W6P is longer (35).
  • In a taco-like salad (I'm imagining some cilantro sprinkled over the top). Over a lean turkey, veggie, or beef burger. Wrapped in tortillas. Mixed w/ lowfat cream cheese for a yummy dip (if you have a party to go to)!
  • I ended up taking a rest day yesterday because I just felt so gross. I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better, and I've already put in a workout and done some serious fluid intake. I'm determined to get through JM's Six Week Six Pack, but the burpees and side plank crunches are killing me. I'm hoping to see some…
  • *low-fat sour cream mixed with salsa for a taco salad *olive oil with your favorite vinegar (I prefer red wine vinegar and rice wine vinegar...balsamic for a treat since it has more sugar and calories) *Greek vinaigrette: 3T red wine vinegar+3T olive oil+1T water+clove of garlic (or less if you don't like it)+pinch of…
  • I'd check the quality of the foods you're eating. Try to eat as little processed food as possible and you will naturally cut back on sodium and sugar levels. Obviously water is a big one, too.
  • That seems like a really low calorie intake. I'm 150 right now and at 1360 calories to lose a pound a week. Even at my highest (185) I've never had mfp set me up at 1200?? But, I know there are a lot of factors to the equation and your height, age, activity level, etc. might be far different than mine.
    in I'm on Day 2 Comment by tn2010 June 2011
  • Soy or goat milk yogurt? Cheeses made from nuts (I'm told the almond varieties are good)? I also have high cholesterol and would like to use local eggs exclusively (doesn't always happen). I find if I hard boil the eggs it's easy and quick to peel and just eat the whites. Fruit smoothies made with soy or almond milk.
  • Forgot to check in yesterday. All is going well, except for how I feel. I made A LOT of polenta lasagna the other day and refused to let it go to waste (why didn't I freeze it???) and now I feel bloated and gross from 3 days of eating it. I made a simple and clean chicken soup for dinner tonight and am hoping that will…
  • Nutrition: Doing well...went to the store today to stock up on produce again. Exercise: I did my first day of 6 week 6 pack (Jillian Michaels). I'm really hoping to see some major results 'cause my abs are definitely an issue. Being a size 6 is all fine and dandy, but it doesn't do me much good if I still have a muffin…
  • Just finished The Last Chinese Chef and The Writers Circle. Currently reading Chance to See Egypt. Next in line is Lamb.