tn2010 Member


  • I tend to put Pandora on my phone while I run. Gwen Stefani channel never ceases to motivate, but here is a great list of workout channels that could also give ideas for your playlists:
  • I was just reading up on this a little. It seems, from my reading, that a 2000 calorie diet should have no more than 40g of ADDED sugar (those not occurring naturally). That seems really high to me. I am ALWAYS going over, but only have, on average, 1 item a day that has added sugar. Most of mine comes from fruit, veggies,…
    in sugar Comment by tn2010 August 2011
  • So...I don't have any buns to think of, more like pancakes, flat and sad. I'm always curious if these butt workouts will GIVE me a butt, or take away what little I have?!? I've always been too scared to try :ohwell:
  • a fellow mfp'r referred me to You can build playlists based on bpm/mile timings.
  • Love it! I have 2 kids and they know the rules, even at ages 2 and 4. I put a SMALL amount each of the foods in our meal on their plate. They can choose to eat it or not, but that's what's for dinner. If they want dessert, they have to eat it all, otherwise, they are free to be done, with the understanding that they won't…
  • What did you think of 6W6P? I did 2.5 weeks of it before going on vacation and I didn't notice a whole lot of change in that time...not like the 30DS. I wondered if it was the workout, or if I just needed to step it up to the next level??
  • I started yesterday and just finished L1D2. I can tell that I'm in better shape now than I was in the 30DS because I get through the workout fine with little to know modifications. That being said, my butt and shoulders are SORE. And, like most of you, the side lunge is terrible. If I'm not mistaken, that is also in the…
  • I understand completely. If you know where you're going ahead of time, sometimes you can look up the nutrition info online. If you like to entertain, you might suggest having people over and preparing foods that are within your limits. I've done this both for health and finance purposes! Good luck.
  • I use Syntrax Nectar Whey Protein Isolate, unflavored. It has 2 ingredients: Whey protein isolate (milk), and soy lecithin. Per scoop Calories: 40, Fat: 0g, Protein: 10 g I was having the same problem finding protein rich foods that were lower in fat and calories. I add this to my Greek yogurt/fruit smoothies and I find…
  • This is what I do...roll over, turn off alarm, sit up, put on workout clothes that are easily in reach, head to the living room and pop in the dvd.
  • I think it depends on how you go about the pursuit. If you're in a bar, you pick the one you are physically attracted to. In my case, my relationships have always stemmed from my peers, so the attraction usually happens during the time I'm getting to know them in social circles, so the personality has come before the…
  • Protein Powder is tricky, it depends on what you're looking for. I tried Designer's "Aria" for women, but I don't like overly sweet stuff, so I found an unflavored one that I LOVE: Syntrax Nectar. 40 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 10g protein / scoop. I add it to yogurt and fruit smoothies and it works like a charm.
  • 1/2 C non-fat plain Greek yogurt 1/2 C plain kefir frozen (unsweetened) strawberries Optional ingredients: 1 serving protein powder (I use unflavored as I like my smoothies tart) 1 T low sugar jam or Agave syrup to taste
  • I am a teacher and we have treats once a week. If I KNOW they are going to be there, I pack a light lunch (veggies, veggies, veggies), and take small samples of the things I know I will like. I will take a small piece of something sweet, and then savor it and decide if I want more. Most often I don't even want it after the…
  • Way to go! I'm a teacher and musician, as well, and my classroom has definitely benefited from my weight loss and subsequent rise in energy. I've done a lot of reading about nutrition recently, as well, and highly recommend increasing the quality of the foods you choose to eat. Some of the books I've read are: "Omnivore's…
  • I'd love to. I had a lot of success w/ 30 DS last summer. I did 2.5 weeks of 6 Week 6 Pack but didn't see or feel results like I did in the 30 DS (and then I went on a 2 week vacation and couldn't keep it up). I'm wondering if I need to get bigger weights as my 5# don't seem to be difficult. I guess I should go pick up a…
  • Nut butters, low-fat cheeses, frozen chicken breast, a rotisserie chicken that you can cut up (remove skin) and use in salads, quinoa (in the bulk section it should be much cheaper...great recipes on, brown rice, rice crackers (I love Real Foods Rice Thins), olive oil, red wine or rice vinegar for…
  • Yes, wtg jmruef. I recently discovered that I prefer all my burgers "protein style" (as they say at Red Robin). I get them wrapped in lettuce or just without any sort of bun and eat it with a knife and fork. Easily cuts out 200 calories. If I'm feeling like splurging, I get the fries, if I feel like being REALLY good, I…
  • There's one called Aria that I recently purchased. It's okay...I just hate overly sweet things, so I had use half the serving size in order to stomach the smoothie I'd made. 80 calories, 14g Protein, no artificial colors or flavors, sweetened w/ stevia...comes in vanilla and chocolate, I believe.
  • I lost numerous inches. I'm a huge fan. I did NOT lose weight immediately, but the inches were incredibly noticeable.
  • The 17 Day Diet has a whole chapter on how you should up your carb intake (good carbs...not junk), water intake, and chocolate intake :love: Likewise, cut back on sodium and caffeine. It's worth trying to get your hands on a copy.
  • Yikes...3 days of forgetting to check in. Good news is, I'm right on track with nutrition, diet and exercise. Done with my second week of push-ups, nearly done with my second week of 6W6P. We leave on Sunday for a road trip. I'm going to take my workouts with me and hope I can keep them going, I would hate to let it go for…
  • I make feta-stuffed turkey burgers: I skip the bun because I'm gluten free and don't really need it (sometimes I wrap it in lettuce instead). My family eats them on Sandwich Thins.
  • Zoo, concert, museum, hike, swimming/waterslides/beach.
  • Twice this week I've sauteed onion and mushroom in Pam, add basil and diced tomato and saute for a minute or so, then add the eggs and cook. The fresh basil makes ALL the difference!
  • We're headed out on a 2 week road trip from Washington State to Colorado and back again. We'll have several days of driving and the rest of the time meeting up with family and friends. I'm extremely nervous about staying on track. Any words of wisdom or things you wish you'd done differently?
  • Forgot to check in yesterday. Started calorie zig-zagging, a lot of yesterday's calories were from wine! No official exercise yesterday, but I did spend about an hour and a half painting our picket fence. Decided to open my food diary to mfp friends. Super tired today, but powered through my 6W6P dvd.
  • Every diet or meal plan I read has tons of variety. The problem is that it doesn't use up the same that tablespoon of chopped parsley I use in one recipe leaves me with the rest of the bunch to use up later. As a full-time working mom, I don't have time to make myself an omelet every morning, so my…
  • Today was pretty weak. I was an idiot and ate a muffin yesterday (long story, but me and gluten do not get along). Had a lot of stomach pain today and didn't get in a proper workout. I did wander through the mall and buy shorts and a bathing suit. I almost got trapped inside a workout tank I tried on...damn thing wouldn't…