vacation and starting again right Monday

Ugh, I thought I did really well pen and paper style logging all the food while on vacation and then saw how badly I blew it thinking I was eating healthy.

Will have to get refocused on Monday....getting to the gym will be a tough one though since the kiddos all start swimming and activities tomorrow!


  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    We're headed out on a 2 week road trip from Washington State to Colorado and back again. We'll have several days of driving and the rest of the time meeting up with family and friends. I'm extremely nervous about staying on track. Any words of wisdom or things you wish you'd done differently?
  • enlarsh
    enlarsh Posts: 67
    You can do it! I blew it just going to a picnic today with my kids. Hamburgers, potatoes, cobbler, ugh. I was so mad at myself I can home and did TWO 30DS workouts and then went running. I must be insane. :-) In the words of Chicken Little, "Tomorrow is a new day!"
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    We're headed out on a 2 week road trip from Washington State to Colorado and back again. We'll have several days of driving and the rest of the time meeting up with family and friends. I'm extremely nervous about staying on track. Any words of wisdom or things you wish you'd done differently?

    I packed a ton of safe foods from home and did those for snacks and meals and only ate out once a day for 1 meal and it was healthier but I just seemed to eat too much of the healthy stuff.

    I had a cooler with stuff like apples and yogurt and nuts and cheese sticks and pband j for the kids on wheat and my protein shakes and I hard boiled a dozen eggs to bring for snacks and mini meals along the way.

    Our hotel had a fridge but no microwave so I made the kids instant oatmeal via the hot water from the coffee pot. I worked out in the fitness room and we did ok...certainly no Mcdonalds 3 times a day, but it was very hard to do low carb as low as I wanted to be with all of the vacation fun.

    We did find a few grocery stores and shopped there too to have healthy stuff on hand for all of us. we definitely saved $$ on food and always eating out, but I could have been more diligent on being focused.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    You can do it! I blew it just going to a picnic today with my kids. Hamburgers, potatoes, cobbler, ugh. I was so mad at myself I can home and did TWO 30DS workouts and then went running. I must be insane. :-) In the words of Chicken Little, "Tomorrow is a new day!"

    very true...and today is a much more healthy have to plan in rearranged workout times thanks to the kids activities and will be rolling right along again. Stuck using the home equipment is not the same as going to the gym, but it will have to do for a few weeks.