

  • i hear they cause alot of violent gas
  • yes maam. stress and hormone levels drastically effect weight loss efforts. hormones effect metabolism. so what should you do? give yourself some "you"time and unwind. but make sure food is not a part of it. also, if you start to exerscise more, it will releive stress AND improve ur sleep quality. Basically, if you add a…
  • I have a big butt too girl. some people love it some don't. you just gotta give it to the ones who appreciate booty. GIT IT GURL. lol
  • Hey there. Its ok if you don't get sore from cardio alone. its an aerobic exerscise and your muscles have just gotten used to doing it. keep lifing weights 2 or 3 times a week tho and you will see the best results. Also, do cardio after lifting weights and you will burn fat more effectively:) good luck girley