My body is holding weight. I am watching what I eat now more than ever. I incorporate some type of exercise. Does stress and lack of sleep really affect weight loss??? :sad:


  • yes maam. stress and hormone levels drastically effect weight loss efforts. hormones effect metabolism. so what should you do? give yourself some "you"time and unwind. but make sure food is not a part of it. also, if you start to exerscise more, it will releive stress AND improve ur sleep quality. Basically, if you add a little more movement you will be alot better off. good luck! don't be discouraged :)
  • Yes! Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Exercise and sleep will help with stress. I'm right there with you, the holidays are always stressfull for me. Also, make sure you are drinking LOTS of water! Give it time to work and stick with it and you'll see results!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I get an average of about 4 hrs. of sleep per night. I am exhausted by about 2pm everyday. I have heard that Valeria root is good to use, but I have not tried it. It seems anything like that I try makes me too groggy and listless all day after I take it. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you in hope that you find a solution to this soon. I understand how frustrating it is! ( which of course only adds to the stress level, bringing it all full circle )
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Yes, lack of sleep is baaaad! Being tired makes you irritable which just ends up in a vicious circle.

    Before I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnoea I rarely slept for more than half an hour at a time during the night, and would nod off regularly during the day, even in mid-conversation! My weight soared, and nothing I did helped reduce it.

    Now I'm on a CPAP machine, and getting regular periods of sleep, and coupled with diet and exercise, my weight is going down. Before, I didn't have the oomph to get off the sofa, and my increasing weight just made it worse. I don't feel half as stressed, and therefore less likely to hit the food cupboard!

    Our body regenerates itself while we sleep so its important to get a good amount if you can. I don't exercise right before going to bed as it only makes me hyper

    Have you spoken to your doctor about it? There are many things to try to help you sleep, and I'm sure someone on here will have plenty of suggestions.

    Sweet dreams!
  • jmhunter84
    jmhunter84 Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you all the exercise.has helped. But I wake up in the middle of the night. I am trying