slinky8113 Member


  • Oh you poor thing! What a horrible thing go through. I would be the same, my partner works away a lot so i am often in the flat alone, I wouldn't know what to do. Hopefully the measures you've put in place will help you feel more comfortable. I can imagine it's difficult to not turn to food but just try to keep with it as…
  • Thanks for the invite cocobongo! I've joined. :)
  • Feel free to add me, would love some motivation. I've just started eating clean and working out (T25), on day 2, so need to keep going! x
  • I'm on day 2 of T25 and also following the nutrition plan, your pictures are so motivating! Hope I can keep it up and show off similar results! Well done :)
  • Hey Mandy! I started T25 on Sunday (I couldn't wait til Monday to start!). It's the first time I've worked out with Shaun T and having just finished my second workout this morning, I'm enjoying it so far. I'm following the nutrition plan that comes with it, again this is the first time I've ever eaten clean, usually I…
  • Haha I loved your post :) no tips unfortunately in fact I feel hungry now! Oooooo :(
  • Pizza Express do a range of leggara pizzas with under 500 calories for each - they are a full pizza with the middle cut out filled with salad and low fat dressing. Absolutely delicious!!
  • Thanks so much for your post Rich, it was really good to read and to look at it from a different perspective. Your advice has really made me feel differently about my last weekend, I know we can't eat 100% perfectly every day but its about getting back on track and not letting it become a lifestyle again. Here's to a…
  • Worcester :) feel free to add me! x