

  • Best of luck to you! Sounds like you already have the right attitude and that's what it's all about!
  • Welcome! Always glad to see another Triathlete on here! Hope we can keep the motivation going
    in NEW Comment by knmcgrady October 2011
  • I'm looking to lose 10-20 lbs. I was SO fit and tone this summer and would love to keep that up in the winter. I wear scrubs to work everyday so I never noticed the weight I had put on but when I stepped on the scale I knew I needed help. Feel free to add me as a friend and we'll keep each other motivated!
  • I am so in! Starting today!
  • Hi! It sounds like we have the same motivation/goals in mind. I'm a Chiropractor/Acupuncturist and I need to be a better example for my patients. This summer I did two triathlons and I felt amazing. In the last few months I have been very lazy and gained 10 lbs and lost all my muscle tone. My goal is to do a full marathon…