

  • This is a great post! I lost 3 lbs the first week, 2 lbs the second week, 2 lbs the third week, then gained those 2 lbs back and have sat at 175 lbs for 2 weeks now (started at 180...). However, I notice things changing with my body. I feel better, sleep better, look better, and can wear clothes that I haven't even…
  • Awesome! You look great!
  • Sorry Lemonsocks! I'm still around but have changed things up a little and have been forgetting to check in to the message board. I'm still doing Jillian workouts but not the RI30 per se... Due to an old shoulder injury I can't do the crazy plank stuff, just the regular plank move. Plus, I never felt like I was "done" when…
  • You definitely need a pair dumbells, preferably two (one heavier and one lighter) to work with as some exercises will be harder to do. Example: I use heavier weights for biceps curls but there is no way I could use those same weights for tricep extensions...
  • Hi Ladies! Sorry I've been out. Last Monday I did Level 2 Day 1 and thought everything went fairly well until the middle of the night! I reinjured my shoulder and couldn't really move my arm up or out too far for a few days. Have still been dieting and exercising, just not RI30. I'm down 5 lbs so far!!! Yeah!!! Planks are…
  • At least the planks are in the first circuit instead of the third! I'm not sure I could make it if they were last!
  • Just finished Day 1 Level 2. Holy Cow! That sucked! Really struggled with the planks. Did it right for as long as I could, then went to modified version. Considering how out of shape I have gotten, I'm pretty impressed with some of the things I CAN do! I had to grip dumbbells for that one where you go from sitting to…
  • Yeah! Just finished Day 5 of Level 1! Onto Level 2 tomorrow! I've made it through my first full week! I really had a tough time getting my butt going but am really glad I did. Glad to see so many of you guys still going. It really helps! :)
  • Just finished Day 4 without stopping at all! Not even during the running man which kicks my @ss!!! Already getting stiff, time for Yoga! Who's still with us?
  • I don't track my sugar normally but I looked it up after I read your post. If I am good on a particular day I can meet my carb goal with out going over my sugar goal. But these guys are essentially right, carbs are carbs. As long as you're not going over your carb goal and you're meeting the fiber goal, I wouldn't worry…
  • I can't see you food diary so not sure if my suggestions are applicable but I am a 35 yo female with one daughter. I have found over time that fat and sugar slow my metabolism down dramatically. (I know this is a big surprise...) However, fat, cholesterol, and sugar are found in a lot of places you wouldn't necessarily…
  • Congratulations!
  • Totally agree. It doesn't matter when you let your muscles rest as long as you let them rest. It just sounded like some people thought they HAD to do it every single day for 28 days straight. Was just trying to dispell confusion :)
  • Completed Level 1 Day 3 last night, gonna do day 4 tonight. Just a couple of pieces of advice in response to some comments I have seen on this thread. Totally not trying to push my ways on anyone else, just suggestions. I have a BS in Kinesiology so I am educated on the subject. 1) The cool-down IS NOT adequate…
  • I vote Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. There are 4 levels and each one is only 24 minutes so you can pair it with something else if you like. (I pair it with 29 minute Yoga routine for extra strength and stretching...) I really like Jillian's 3-2-1 system. I've heard the 30 day Shred is similar...
  • I tried RI30 last fall but fell off for whatever reason. Started again yesterday with Level 1 Day 1, rested for a bit and did a 29 minute Yoga routine on my wii Fit Plus. Not too sore this morning, I think the Yoga really helped. I love RI30 so I'm in for the challenge! Level 1 Day 2 later today!
  • Speaking as someone who was in retail management for 8 years, please do not yell at him in front of everyone! He could turn this around on you for making a hostile work environment for him and you could get in trouble. Do not play the gross out game. You are only engaging with him which is what he wants. Go to a manager…
  • What is your calorie goal per day before excercise? You should never eat less than 1200 calories per day because it is nearly impossible to get all of your vitamins, minerals, nutrients... with less than 1200. You don't HAVE to eat your exercise calories if you are eating at least 1200 calories per day. If you are on a 500…