Not losing...could it be muscle?



  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    And remember, muscle weighs more than fat by volume.
    In other words, a gallon of muscle weighs more than a gallon of fat.
    Why? Muscle is more dense than fat like lead is denser than water.

    This is what you are experiencing.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    As you have only 20lbs to lose you should be aiming for 0.5lbs per week so 2 in 4 weeks is right on track. If you have lost so many inches you are doing fantastic, just stick with it!!
  • vickiaf
    vickiaf Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the super informative post tangal, this is exactly what I have found this week.

    I ran 5 days straight, ate well and stayed the same weight. However after a rest day I dropped 2lbs. I think my muscles were retaining fluid and the rest day gave them a chance to release it.

    It is very disheartening to see no loss but it will come if your burning more than you eat
  • Sweeterescape
    Hi all. Over the last 4 weeks I have done really well, exercised 6 days a week and have been under cals net each week. I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my stomach, 1 inch off my hips and .5 inches off each of my thighs.

    Any thoughts? Thanks all!

    How is THAT not losing???

    Sorry, I should have been clearer! I lost 2 lbs initially, but haven't lost the last two weeks although my calorie deficit shows that I should have lost 1lb a week. But over the last two weeks I've lost inches each week. So for the last two weeks I've been losing inches but not on the scale.

    THANK YOU ALL for your AMAZING help and advice! I didn't realise that even though I didn't feel that sore, I could still be retaining water in my muscles.

    Also, my weigh in is on Monday morning, and I've realised that I usually eat a bit worse on the weekends. Going out to dinner or having a few bites of my OH's takeaway - I track everything and if I go over, it's not a lot and I'm usually under during the week so it balances as net under, but they are much higher in sodium than my normal everyday foods.

    Therefore, sore muscles together with higher sodium foods just before weigh in probably aren't helping. Overall though, I am looking much better and I can definitely see/feel the difference!

    Thank you all for making me keep my confidence! I just need to address the weekend food issue and be patient, keep measuring, and I'll continue to go in the right direction! :-)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
  • Carrollvan2002
    In the past when I've been on a diet and exercise program, I hit plateaus. It always seemed to me that they happened at weights I had maintained for a long time in the past. For instance, if I weighed about 160 for two years, then went up to 180, I would hit a plateau when I got near 160. I learned to just stick to my program, concentrate on the health benefits and how I felt rather than worry about the scale, and wait. Eventually I would start losing again.

    It's as if your body remembers, and thinks that since you were at that weight for a long time, it must be a good weight, and fights to maintain it. I asked my doctor and he agreed.

    Enjoy the feeling of being more fit, have patience, and you wil start losing again. And then you will hit another plateau.

    Now if only I had the self-discipline I had when I was younger.
  • CnocNaCu
    CnocNaCu Posts: 536 Member
    I came here to post the exact same thing! My jeans have gotten significantly looser, my stomach is flatter and my arms are noticeably more toned. I'm looking great... only the scale hasn't moved in two weeks. I've upped my workouts and now I do one hour of spin 2 or 3 times a week, I run twice a week, I do the elliptical 2 or 3 times a week, I do yoga 3 times a week and have started strength training 3 times a week. I also go on 1.5 hour long power walks with friends in the evenings. I'm ALWAYS under my caloric goal for the day. Yet the damn evil scale stays the same!

    It's frustrating because it makes me want to give up... even though I KNOW I look better-and feel better! But it's messing with my mind.

    Thank you for posting exactly what I'm thinking and worried about.
    Working out daily. I love it and it's helping me to stay positive and focussed. I stick to my calorie goal, eat absolutely healthy and am NOT cheating. High protein, less carbs, not too low in fat, good fats. Nothing I'm doing wrong and yet...this freakin scale doesn't want to move any more and it ALWAYS did, 1-2 lbs per week. And I'm so close to my close:sad:
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    this is exactly what i needed right now cause i lost and pant size but there is barely a difference on the scale lately
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    great info here. thanks to all!
  • Sweeterescape
    Thank you all for your input - drank LOADS of water on Sunday, a lot more than I usually do, and lost today! Just goes to show, it really does work :-)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Wow...just wanted to express how stunned I was by that before and after picture....So motivated.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Not nearly as dramatic as the photos posted here, but I weigh a few pounds more now than I did in July, but I'm wearing smaller clothes and look leaner. Screw the scale.
  • mszimmerman76
    This is a great post! I lost 3 lbs the first week, 2 lbs the second week, 2 lbs the third week, then gained those 2 lbs back and have sat at 175 lbs for 2 weeks now (started at 180...). However, I notice things changing with my body. I feel better, sleep better, look better, and can wear clothes that I haven't even contemplated for the last 6 months. I know you're not "supposed" to weigh daily but I do. I weigh first thing every morning and say to myself "It doesn't say 180 anymore!". That kinda kick starts my motivation for the day. I don't get worried if the scale doesn't move or goes up a lb for a day because I know the system works. Looking better in my clothes/wearing smaller clothes/having a better body will win over what the scale says any day!
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    This info is fantastic and just what i needed. Been on same weight for while but am sure body shape chaning etc. The article from Charlene is fantastic, i have been doing lots of JM Dvd's so this could be why no much movement on the scale. Feel motivated to keep going.