andysmom Member


  • I'm 53 and I've lost over 50 pounds and haven't set foot in the gym. I discovered hiking, luckily I live in a nice place with access to wilderness areas and I've found friends to hike with me. When I can't hike, I walk. Everyone's different, but for me to be stuck inside doing the treadmill or elliptical or whatever, would…
  • That's awesome! I still can't quite get over having hip bones! And when I cross my arms under my boobs (something I couldn't do 65 pounds ago), I'm always shocked to feel my ribs! LOL :D
  • That sounds like fun. Thanks for the tip.
  • Buen Camino friends! I too am planning to walk the Camino next year. Interestingly, I'm also planning on sometime around 9/15/2015. Although I'm very excited and pumped up for it, I find myself worrying about how it will happen. I work full time and the time off may be difficult to manage. At this point, I'm not ready to…
  • I have had my Fitbit One for over a year and I love it. I clip it to my bra every single day and while I no longer wear it on my wrist at night (I don't care to monitor my sleep), I do clip it to the neckline of my p.j.'s because I like the little vibration alarm for waking me up in the morning. I hike - a lot - and I love…
  • Removed post cause I just cant' seem to figure out how to get the pictures to be the same size! Dang. I must be tired!
  • I''ve started using my husband's adjustable belt! LOL Also, today was day two of boot camp and I'm still able to smile and laugh! And I'm going back tomorrow for more! Yay me!
  • This! For sure. But if you don't go into your weight loss journey expecting it to fix everything in your life, you'll find that losing weight can help you learn how to deal with those other things better. I have been up and down my whole life, between 140 and 240 (mostly over 200). Now at age 52, I am currently at right…
  • I'm way out of your age range, but I just want to say that I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was 40 when my 66 year old mother died suddenly from congestive heart failure, likely a result of years of smoking and a lifetime battle with her weight. Losing her has been the hardest thing that has ever happened in my life. I…
  • I can see why you maxed out on comments. I read your story yesterday and I have found myself thinking about you ever since. I can back this morning to reread your story and it just about made me cry. I can't believe your incredible success, but even more amazing is the great attitude you have. What a great spirit you have.…
  • What an amazing, inspiring story. You've made an incredible journey. How wonderful to have someone amazing to share it with. Congratulations and many blessings.
  • Congrats to both of you! I can't relate to the running - I just can't do it, but the move to regular stores definitely resonates! I still find myself walking to the "Women's" section in Kohls even though I am now wearing a size 12 pair of jeans. Yay! It feels awesome.
  • Hey, I'm curious... How long did it take? (There's one by my house I'd like to tackle, too!)
  • Incredible inspiration! You're absolutely right: You can take on anything that comes at you for the rest of the year and you ARE capable of GREAT things! Well done!!!
  • People just see you the way they see you and when you shake things up, they don't know what to do! My sister in law, who weighs maybe 105 soaking wet, exclaimed over what a "skinny minnie" I had become when I saw her at Christmas. Mind you, I've gone from 223 to 170, but I am so far from "skinny" its hilarious! Even my 19…
  • As a temporary option (or all the time!), walking is excellent. I've lost over 50 pounds using walking and hiking as my primary exercise. The most critical thing is to STAY ACTIVE, so you are on the right path by not telling yourself, "oh, no elliptical, and my hip hurts, so I'll just take time off". If you want the…
  • I will probably go over. Seems likely since we will be at someone else's home for dinner. Plan to mitigate the damage by going for a hike in the morning, and eating a sensible breakfast and lunch. I also volunteered to be the designated driver. Not drinking will save me the liquid calories and help me keep my resolve when…
  • I love that since getting my Fitbit for mother's day six months ago, I've walked 500 miles! Maybe someday I can walk the Way of St. James (aka El Camino de Santiago). It feels like anything is possible now!
  • I have to agree with this! I've hit the clearance racks (it takes a while, but I recently found some awesome jeans for $5) and I'm lucky to have a sister who sews and has altered some of my stuff. For t-shirts, look for "How To Sew - Resize a T-shirt Tutorial - DIY Fashion" on youtube for a super easy way to trim down…
  • I love not feeling out of control around food. I love not having to huff and puff when I go up a flight of stairs. I noticed today at church that I don't have to use the pew in front of me to hoist myself up during mass - I love that! I love shopping in the regular section at the store. Mostly, I find that I love life. :)…
  • Great job! What an amazing transformation. I'll bet you have a lot more energy for your escape artist!
  • Congrats! It's awesome isn't it? Before I started on my journey, I had all but given up on pants/jeans because I so did not want to buy a 22, and the 20's were cutting off my circulation. About 50 pounds later and my size 14's (purchased on the clearance table at Walmart) are baggy in the butt and not at all flattering.…
  • :happy: Sounds weird but I am hooked on Better Oats Oatmeal with flax, prepared without any sugar, and two Tbsp of Jif natural peanut butter stirred into it. Mmmm.. can't wait for morning.:happy:
  • I made it under 180! I weigh less now than I did in high school! Woo hoo!
  • Your ticker says you've lost 50 pounds. Now you're having trouble with the last 4 - 8 pounds so you think weight loss isn't for you? I'd say you've been very successful. Those last pounds may take a very long time and maybe never go away. The thing to focus on now is how to eat healthfully in a way that you can maintain.…
  • I sent you a friend request also. Welcome.
  • Holy smokes! What an amazing transformation. You look awesome! Congrats!
  • Amazing! Congrats!
  • Hi Jay! You sound like someone with a purpose and a sense of humor! Welcome back. Remember, "failure is not falling down but staying down!" Like you, I've been fighting this battle all my life. My highest weight was about 235. I started here in April at 223 and my most recent step on the scales showed 182! Woo hoo! You can…
  • Congrats on making the decision to take care of yourself. I'm not a nutritionist, so can only speak for what is working for me. Like you, I'm not a huge fan of raw veggies (unless I have a ton of dip! LOL) I start my day with Oatmeal with some peanut butter stirred in. It took a couple of weeks of reducing the sugar, but…