

  • Thanks! I'll google some low cal "girly drinks", since sadly not a beer girl (thanks anyway :] ), and just look for the most vege food there, the restaurant is a cheap uni place lol they don't really have a measured recipe or calorie knowledge >_> hopefully there might be some drink induced dancing to help burn those extra…
  • Wasn't it Carbs + sugar = Fat. Thats the Atkins diet right there, or the idea that before refined carbs and sugars where around most people weren't as overweight? I assuming thats the basis of your argument, but most nutritionists say that as long as it's controlled you can have carbs and sugar and what not. Most people…
  • I have the opposite issue, I can't get out of bed! But there are some things to help you, if it's too bright from your alarm clock, or lights outside, really anything then your body might not be producing the chemicals you need to "fall asleep". My room is very dark, thus I'm not getting the wake up chemicals so I end up…
  • A good hint if your going off protein is finding a good tofu or eating a whole lot more mushrooms lol. I've been vegetarian for 3 years now (As is no meat, this includes no fish). If your going to a low carb diet though, lots of tofu have high carb. If not try the already marinated tofu, they are a lot better lol. Lots of…