

  • I bought it off of amazon, but I do know that walmart and barnes and noble sells it for pretty cheap too (:
  • Well I just gotdone doing my second day of 30 day shred. i did it on level 1 again, and wow I really had to push through this one. I was nauseas, out of breath during cardio because I smoke, and my legs feel like jello! I like the feeling of it all, but my legs have gotten so bad in the past 2 days that It hurts to bend…
  • Glad to have you on board! I have the motivation problem so hopefully with support from everyone who joins will keep us all going and make it to that 30 day goal marker!!(: feel free to share how each work out goes, etc. (:
  • So far I've lost 6 pounds, the first day of the shred was tough but it got me motivated and excited to conintue on with my journey, I am now about to go do some laundry and then start the second one, so I hope all of you guys are doing great, I'll log in later and let everyone know how day 2 went :)
  • Well welcome you two whenever you start congratulations(: hopefully this will help us all reach our goal a little bit sooner than we hope for!!(:
  • Thats terrific you guys(: I'm just now going to go and do the first level, so wish me luck, and I think I'll be weighing in whenever I can gain the confidence to get on a scale again!! So if you wanna follow in my travels of weight loss journey, I'll keep you guys posted with my wheight whenever, and let you know how each…
  • I would love to be in!
  • Just ordered that Jillian 30 day thing... first ever "work out video" sooo hopefully it works :D
  • Hmm, I'll defenitally look into that jillian Micheals thing, thanks you guys (:
  • I'm 5'3, what are kettle bells?