30 Days With Me

I just finished day 1. level and workout 1 of the jillian micheals 30 day shred video. To be honest my legs are burning, and my arms are burning too. My tummy I can feel a little bit of something in there, but my abs arent burning like the rest of me. I had to stop and take a couple 5 second breaks while doing this one, but it is amazing I'm honestly excited and I cant wait to see what happens after these 30 days. What I wanna do is get everyones support, and help support anyone who wants to start the 30 day shred, and we can record whenever we want how much we weigh. but after a month of doing this, I want everyone to weigh in say how much you lost and maybe show before and after pictures for encouragement for everyone else who needs it!!! Im currently 159, down from I think 165 ish, and now I think I'll weigh in on friday, not sure though, but I will be posting every day saying how each workout went, and I hope to get as miuch fellow support and I just want as many people as possible to help participate!!!


  • I'm up for that I have 30 day shred, and gave up on it after doing it for 5 days, would definitely make it easier to do it when you know someone who is doing the dvd too, feel free to add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • Glad to have you on board! I have the motivation problem so hopefully with support from everyone who joins will keep us all going and make it to that 30 day goal marker!!(: feel free to share how each work out goes, etc. (:
  • Well I just gotdone doing my second day of 30 day shred. i did it on level 1 again, and wow I really had to push through this one. I was nauseas, out of breath during cardio because I smoke, and my legs feel like jello! I like the feeling of it all, but my legs have gotten so bad in the past 2 days that It hurts to bend them, or walk or go up stairs, hopefully it gets better though. My favorite things are the ab workouts, I love those and how they make my stomach feel sore (:::
    Ready, yet worried about workout 3 tomorrow but we'll have to wait and see what happens, (:
    Hope everyones workouts went well, sleep tight everyone(:
  • Where do you get the 30day workout?
  • I bought it off of amazon, but I do know that walmart and barnes and noble sells it for pretty cheap too (: