

  • I'm sorry I was so rude, I re-read this and I'm ashamed of myself. I had a bad mood yesterday, and I always get way too touchy-feely when it comes to EDs. I definitely do need MFP now, I just don't want to need it forever.
  • Please don't call me lazy and doomed because I don't want to count calories. I don't want to get my eating disorder back and instead, I would like to live a happy, fulfilled life. If you think people have to obsess about every damn calorie in order to be happy with themselves, then I disagree with you. I value my mental…
  • Thank you all so much! I decided to log for a bit, maybe a week or two more, and then try and just plan out my meals the night before on paper, so I'd know when to soak beans or things like that. I pretty much have the idea what contains what nutrients (though I still have trouble with calcium and iron, and we don't have…
  • Can I ask why? I think it's all about personal preferences. I want to look toned and small, you want to look strong and fit. I think we both have the goal to be healthy, which can be attained by looking many different ways. So why are you annoyed by people who have slightly different goals than you?
  • They all are beautiful! But I, too, prefer, Miranda Kerr. And she exercises a lot, all of the VS models do. I think it's about genetics & what kind of exercise they do, but I don't see much into it. She also claims to have a very healthy diet, which I would believe in, because she seems to be really passionate about…
  • Rachel: Yes, they are, and I seriously wish I'd want to be all muscley and strong, but I just want that "feminine and dainty look" if you know what I mean... Tiny and toned. Losingit2WIN: I guess that's the case with my friends too! Thanks for answer. Sunshine: This is just a random image thrown around, I'm sorry I…
  • Trust me you don't "accidentally" turn out like a fitness model if you dont want to, haha so no worries there :] - That's what I read everywhere, yet my friends complain about being too muscley a lot when the topic is body image. And not just one or two, almost all of them really. And they're not on special diets nor they…
  • I don't mean muscular as muscle tone - I like that, and have that as well. I mean muscles like those rounded firm legs, if you know what I mean... I definitely do not consider "bulky" as looking like a men. I don't consider fitness women to look like men, but I don't strive to look as them.…
  • Don't go there. I seriously mean it and just, please, don't do it to yourself. I've been there, last spring. I've successfully lost a bit over 30 pounds and I've gotten myself at the lowest healthy weight for my height. And instead of being happy to finally be thin, I've freaked out and just wasn't happy - I kept on…
  • Thank you all so much! I'm happy to hear I'm on the right track :) About the water, I'm trying to up it as much as possible, I'm not used to drinking it at all, but I already bought a bottle and it's in front of me reminding me of my 8 cups a day all the time :) Thanks again!
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