leychole Member


  • We have a scale in the bathroom at work and I check in almost every day which is probably a bad idea. There are time though when I will fluctuate in weight by 5 lbs. It takes a lot for me to not freak out especially if I know that I worked out a lot the day before.
  • I have never done P90X but I have seen some of the workouts and they are absolutely insane looking. If you are just doing it once or twice a week then yeah, add in a Pilates workout somewhere in there. But if your doing it every other day or every day I think you'll be fine.
  • Best of luck to you!
  • I am new to dieting and calorie counting. My jaw drops every time I look at the nutrition facts on most of the foods I eat. Just knowing how many calories there are is enough to keep me from being tempted. I'm really excited about finding ways to cook healthy low-cal meals. It's challenging but I'm up for it ;-) Way to go…
  • Haha... I have never had Bok Choy and while at the farmer's market last Saturday my friend convinced me to get a couple bunches. Earlier tonight I tried a recipe that I found online that was pretty good. I'm not a fan of cooked leafy greens but I added couscous as a side and it tasted pretty good mixed together. It's…
  • There is a recipe on epicurious.com for Roasted Plums with Greek Yogurt that is really delicious. The link for it is below. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Roasted-Plums-with-Greek-Yogurt-243588 Also I just discovered the 100 calorie Mint Fudge Petites last week. They're good for when you are craving something…