

  • THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR POST!!! You are AMAZING and a big inspiration to so many people!! 10 months may have felt like a long time while you were working the program, but in reality, you look like a whole different person --- so healthy and handsome! Nice going!!
  • There aren't any foods that I don't like. That's why I am here!
  • You are truly beautiful!!! You look like you had a total body makeover. I am jealous and want to look as good as you.
  • I love and accept EVERYTHING about myself because I know that my unique self serves a purpose just as it is and we can never compare ourselves with anyone else.
  • Wow! That is amazing success with your weightloss. Your advice is really helpful! Thank you.
  • You are a beautiful inspiration to all of us! We all love you!!!
  • Where Do I find the willpower? To be totally honest, the less I think and mull things over, the more willpower I have. For example, if I plan on going to the gym the night before, the little devil in me often will try to find reasons "not to go" the next day. What you have to do is just don't let yourself think before you…
  • I took cymbalta for a dual diagnosis of fibromyalgia and depression for about a year. And yes, it does cause weight gain!! I think it's because it increases the appetite quite a bit, but I'm not 100% certain as to the reasons. I did gain about 20 pounds over the past year and I think it's partially from this medication.…
  • It sounds like your friend is very jealous of you and you gotta just know that you don't deserve to be treated like that. You need to surround yourself with positive people. I just had a good friend, who I thought was my best friend who was working for my company take advantage of me. He embezzled money and stole clients…
  • Hello Friend, I am 5' 1" and I now weigh 187. My heaviest was 208 pounds and my target weight should be at 125 or 130, but it seems like a far fetched goal for me to reach that weight again because of how long it is taking me to lose just a few pounds. I would love to be friends with other short women. It's not fair that…
  • Hang in there girl! I have those hungry nights too. Drink lots of water first, as much water as you can and see if that helps curb the hunger. If not, then try to go for a banana. Bananas aren't too high in calories and they have something in them that helps with sleep. Then if you can go to sleep you won't feel hungry any…
  • I love your post. I hope you have finally drifted off to sleep by now or you will be super tired tomorrow. It is 8:03pm here in Oregon and my husband is watching a really boring hunting and fishing survival show which is so boring to watch that I would rather clean the bathrooms. I'm not cleaning bathrooms either. I am…
  • I am hungry right now. I find that I have to experience this though in order to lose the weight I want. I try to just be really tough and drink a water, vitamin water, or a cup of tea and I seriously just try to tough it out and try to do something instead of it. It's hard, but I just remember no pain no gain and in the…
  • I have the same obstacles with family outings, birthday parties, and potlucks, Oh My!!! It may sound crazy, but if you don't want to eat too many calories while you are there, I recommend that you eat first before you go so you aren't hungry. Then you can just have a "taste". You can eat a big salad before you go and drink…
  • Hi New Friend! I have been here about a month and have tracked what I eat and track my exercise activities as exact as possible and after a whole month, I have finally lost 3 pounds! It's hard work, but I have the dieting roller coaster too. I think you may have the same thing as I have which is emotional eating. What this…
  • Maybe you can drink Vitamin Water instead. It tastes better than water but doesn't have as many fillers or cancer causing things in it. But then again who really knows. Water is probably always better. You can try adding lemon to your water and that can help make it taste better.
  • You and I are so much alike, except you are losing weight faster than me. I joined MFP about a month ago and only lost 2 pounds so far. But on other days, I get those 2 pounds back so who knows. I have three kids also and I am 42 years old and I am feeling the effects of the slower metabolism with my age. So maybe we can…
  • Thank you, MissMaryMac33!!! You are a HUGE inspiration for me! I LOVE the creativity that you came up with --- to substitute the bad binge foods with good foods and to eat with a baby spoon to make the yogurt last longer. That is a super smart idea! You are amazing and I am going to apply some of this tricks too for the…
  • :happy: Thank you FormicaMan! You made me smile and you have lost a good amount of weight too, so I know there will be hope for me too. Thank you for sharing!
  • Amazing! You just joined MyFitnessPal in June, so does that mean that you lost 60 pounds in just 4 months? That is really dedicated! I wish I could lose weight that fast. Thank you for sharing!!