anybody else just getting started?

Hi all, I'm 34, and looking for some support since I don't have a lot of help at home. I am ready to end the cycle! Went to the gym monday & tuesday, and I am so sore I can barely move... I have 2 switches, on or off. Either I'm watching my diet and exercising, or I am not exercising at all and I'm eating junk food. My weight has cycled from 210 - 250, and I'm not sure if the calorie count this site recommends is appropriate for me because of my body type... For me, 210 is actually a healthy weight. Anyways, if you are looking for some support or if you have some advice, feel free to friend me! Good luck everyone!


  • Hi Ryan......My name is Kelly and I started yesterday!!
  • Good Luck man, stay focused and the results you looking for will come. I'm pretty much in the EXACT same boat as far as weight and age. I've done this before loosing 140lbs in the past, and of that 30lbs has crept back in. I'm getting back into my focused mode where my health was really taking a front seat.
    I've had an account with this site for years but never used it, i was recording my food with pen and papter. I"m going to start posting online, because in the past recording what I ate was a real key to me staying focused and on task.
  • Hi Ryan ... I am Melissa and I just started two days ago. Like yourself, I have that on/off switch. I am either super healthy (eating clean, working out daily, not drinking) or I am eating junk and not caring. I dont have too much weight to lose but I am really focused on getting healthy again and eating/drinking clean and working out :) I eat out almost daily so I am going to be posting my findings of popular restaurant menu choices that I alter to fit into a health plan for others to see as well.

    ... Hi to you as well Kelly and good luck to you guys!

  • Hi, I'm Jen, I'm 27. I am new here too (well, I started in March, lost 24lbs, then decided to quit smoking and put it all back on again) I let myself though, as to me quitting smoking was more important. I am now back on the wagon, and hoping I can achieve both my goals - weight loss, as well as no smoking. Have been a non-smoker sonce 10th August :)

    Feel free to friend me one and all :)
  • Hi, I'm just starting also. Yes, it is difficult whether you have support or not. Calorie count, portion count, is essential. There is no way around it. I have tried several diets and other plans. It all comes down to portions and exercise. So that's what I'm doing this go around. I'm 44 in January and I'm not going back because I can't at this age.

    So, everything you eat should be palm sized--or about 3-1/2 ounces with meat and one cup for veges and fruit. Always get your exercise in. Don't feel like it has to be a hour of grueling pain. Walk 30 minutes or 20 minutes twice a day.

    Drink your water. Get a 2 liter soda bottle and fill it with water. Get a fresh lemon or lime and use it for flavoring. Cold water and lemon help with the metabolism and calorie burning. You can put sweetener in it if you need to (Stevia is best...not Truvia which is a brand but the stevia sweetener there is also agave natural sweetener on shelves now).

    And that's it. 5 meals a day with exercise.

    There will be stomach rumbling and slight headache and discomfort in the beginning. Your body will fight it. After three weeks of not cheating, you should be adjusted. That's the time period I find the hardest. So I walk when I feel hungry and drink water too. That way you are out of the house, away from food, and the water fills your stomach.

    Sounds great, right! HAHA! Let's do it!
  • 8BaughDad
    8BaughDad Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome aboard and best of luck with your goals.
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words! Yes, my stomach is rumbling. I had a banana to keep it quiet, but I know it's only temporary. I've read some things that say you should "never" be hungry... I'm not sure what to do about this, am I supposed to allow my stomach to growl/be hungry during the day, or should I constantly graze so I don't get that hunger?
  • I am new to all of this also and I am looking for motivation and support as well. I am always up and down weight wise, and recently been more up due to quitting smoking but I am ready for more lifestyle changes to just keep getting healthier! I am looking for friends on here to help keep each other motivated and moving. good luck to you all!
  • HI, I'm Cymone. I am 24 years old. I live in Florida. I have had this app for a while on my phone. But it is pretty hard to keep going. So I've re-started monday. I would love to befriend some ppl to have some support.
  • Ryan, I have learned that snacks are your best friend. I may sound a little tedious however, take like a box of rice cakes, or wheat thins, grapes (my fav) or whatever your fav snack may be and actually bag them into their portion size. People don't realize you can consume 3 to 4 serving sizes if you don't pay attention. Hope if helps
  • Hi, I've just joined, after my daughter has lost 16lbs in three weeks (scary!). The snacks in a bag is a great idea, thank you.
    My downfall is I love baking, for my family or others. That's going to be the hardest thing for me. ALTHOUGH, my son offered me a chocolate this morning and I turned it down because I knew I'd have to put it on my food list. I've got to lose 3st and I'm only 5ft 1in. So far so good
  • Hi Ryan - my name's Dawn. I'm told that if you're feeling 'hungry' (and think you're possibly not) you should drink a glass of water slowly. Then, after an hour if you're still hungry you should eat something. It may be that just a small low cal option will help?
  • Hi New Friend!
    I have been here about a month and have tracked what I eat and track my exercise activities as exact as possible and after a whole month, I have finally lost 3 pounds! It's hard work, but I have the dieting roller coaster too. I think you may have the same thing as I have which is emotional eating. What this website has taught me is to be very aware of everything I put in my mouth, since you have to record everything. It is really worth sticking to that, because it helps you be aware if you are an emotional eater, which I discovered that I was. Now I find myself opening the fridge if I've had a stesser or an emotional upset and I stop and ask myself now, "Am I really hungry?" Just asking that question first is really important and it teaches you to listen to the signals that your body gives when it's hungry. I literally stopped paying attention the the real hunger signals. I ate when I emotionally needed to eat, never when I was hungry. It's been a healing experience as well as a physically healthier lifestyle to make this commitment. All you got to do is login here everyday and fill out the online logs and this really will work for you, I promise! :-))
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    As someone that just started on November 7th - I have to tell you how EASY this is if you just do exactly what they tell you. I have already lost over 7 pounds!! It's amazing. I never feel hungry, I love working out, but not killing myself to do it, and I'm feeling great. Stepping on the scale this morning was so rewarding and exciting. Good luck!
  • Hello everyone!! I am also just getting started and have about 200 lbs to lose 1 pound at a time. Good luck with your journey!
  • belle_455
    belle_455 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Belle and I just started Tuesday. SO far so good. Makes you think about what you are eating
  • Hi everyone! I just started yesterday. I'm really excited about this and really want to commit myself. Please befriend me! All encouraging fitness pals welcomed!
  • Hi, Ryan.

    I registered here a few months ago but have not been active, and have not been actively controlling my diet, so in a sense I am just getting started (or re-started) today.

    Now, I have to qualify that by saying that over the last year I have dieted successfully - I lost 50# very comfortably from Oct'10 thru about March'11 (from 380# to 330#). I was stable at 330 through the summer, discovered myfitnesspal, was all gung-ho, and then started slipping to where I am now at 350#.

    I wanted to post not just to say that I am (in the sense of re-starting) just getting started, but to also comment on the growling stomach issue. On that specifically, my feeling is that a big factor in the success of the loss of 50# last year was in allowing my stomach to shrink. That's not just my waistline getting smaller, but the actual stomach - the organ - actually shrinking.

    There are two effects involved here.

    First is hunger signals. As you eat, the wall of the stomach is stretched. Afterwards, as the stomach passes food on to the intestines the wall of the stomach relaxes. There are sensors in the stomach wall that send signals as the stomach wall relaxes that can induce feelings of being hungery. So, one objective is not to stretch the stomach too much at each meal/snack.

    Second, there are sensors in the stomach wall that as the stomach fills send signals of fullness. Once the stomach has been allowed to shrink these sensors will kick in more quickly, on much less volume of food ingested.

    So there is a period, and it's not as long as you might think, wherein if you can reduce intake (in terms of bulk per meal), you can shrink your stomach. This will provide two benefits resulting from the two effects noted: 1) You will not experience such strong hunger pangs between meals; and 2) you will feel full on much less volume consumed per meal.

    Now, to be fair, I have to qualify all of that with a bit of personal history. My weight loss success last year was kicked off by an automobile accident that dislocated my right hip. As I weighed 380# at the time, the orthopedic surgeons who put me back together gave me strong directives to lose weight. Plus, the nutritionist at the hospital put me on an 1800/day ADA diet, and the nutritionist at the rehab hospital continued that for the full month I was in hospital. And the physical and occupational therapists had me working out three days a week. So I went through what was essentially, effectively, a four week enforced fat camp regime. I came out of that with a very small stomach. I got by on very little food and was very comfortable.

    What happened over the last six months or so is that I have gradually - by gradually allowing meal portions to get bigger and bigger - I have gradually stretched my stomach back out so that I get frequent feelings of hunger and urges to snack. What I have to do now is recreate that fat camp experience by enforcing on myself small portions while keeping an eye on the calorie count.

    The short version of all of that is that I would suggest allowing some snacks between meals in a grazing-like mode, while keeping an eye on calorie count and seeing that intake volume per meal is kept relatively small.

    So, a long winded reply, and perhaps too much personal info, but I do feel like I am right there with you. I don't say it's easy unless you get your hip dislocated, undergo surgery, and spend four weeks in rehab, but the way forward is clear: count calories, and keep meal volumes relatively small. Soon your stomach will shrink and you'll find that amazingly small portions are surprisingly satisfying. At the same time be sure you're getting a good balance of vitamins and such.

    Good luck. Hold on. Stay the course. I'll be right along there with you.
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 210 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words! Yes, my stomach is rumbling. I had a banana to keep it quiet, but I know it's only temporary. I've read some things that say you should "never" be hungry... I'm not sure what to do about this, am I supposed to allow my stomach to growl/be hungry during the day, or should I constantly graze so I don't get that hunger?


    If you like peanut butter have a little of it with your banana next time, the protein will help keep you full longer.

    Congrats on joining MFP. I've only been here a week, but I find it very motivational.

  • Oakmeister
    Oakmeister Posts: 3 Member
    I wish you the best and feel free to add me as a friend. Oak i am an encourager.