anybody else just getting started?



  • yadicarter
    Hi everyone! I opened my account on MFP on 10/23 and have lost 16.4lbs to date. It has been very hard to get started because I really used to hate exercise and also a very big emotional eater. But started out slowly, just walking for 30 minutes here and there and watching portion sizes along with calories...has taught me a lot. For the most part, everyone here is amazing and it's great to have the support and motivation from others trying to get healthy and stay healthy. I have a long road ahead, but mini goals and friends' motivating words are helping to get me through. My first mini goal is 20lbs down my Christmas, looks like I'll reach it earlier and I'm ecstatic. Feel free to add me, good luck to all and keep it rockin' =)
  • whispering_elk
    Good Morning!
    I am Jen and I too have just started moments ago. I posted a picture of myself as a little girl, as that is the goal for me. To be healthy like I was, play like I used to and laugh so much it makes my eyes sparkle. I have lost this dog gone 80 pounds 4 times now, and wish this to be my last. lol
    I am so glad to have the chance to read your posts and hope that I will be here everyday to get the much needed support from writing down my meals and (((exercise)) . Must really work on that.
    Glad to meet you!
  • wtriplett
    Been off and on for a couple years now! Good luck...just keep pushing yourself.
    You never know what you can do until you come to the point where you lose it... NO MATTER WHAT!
    At 55 it gets harder every day to make myself eat right...that's just's an every day or every minute thing!
    You can do it!
  • finna619
    finna619 Posts: 2 Member
    Feeling better already :) Should have done this sooner!!
  • phanatic82
    phanatic82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey Ryan, i am ready to get off this roller coaster! I am looking for support, motivation, friends, yummy low calorie recipes, etc! Anyone out there looking for the same, friend me! Good luck everyone!
  • gcowan74
    gcowan74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Ryan (and all others). My name is Gayla and I am new(ish) to this site. I tracked everything for a whole 3 weeks before I quit and gave up for a while. I am back now with a vengeance and really want to get this weight off!. I am in Oklahoma and we too have the best Mexican food here---so hard to control yourself eating queso, guacamole, salse and chips! I eat out at lunch almost everyday and find it difficult since my coworker/lunch buddy is not as intense as losing weight as I am. I would love to have some support and "friends" to help keep me on track. By the way, this is the only picture I have on this computer...i will try to find another that does not involve alcohol :drinker:
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone. I just started using this site a little over a week ago. I got out of the Army 2 years ago and put on 30 pounds. I figured it was time to try and lose the same amount I put on. I'm 6'1" and weighed 260 when I started. My goal is to get down to 230 pounds. When I got out of basic training, I was in the best shape of my adult life and weighed 220, so I figured that might be an unreasonable goal since I can't work myself nearly as hard as a drill sergeant can :wink:

    Hey, sounds like you and I have a similar body type. I'm afraid the calorie recommendation on this thing is too low (for guys with some muscle). I actually got lightheaded today, ate a greek yogurt and now i'm fine. I'm going to try to stick to the 1600 calories but don't know if it's possible without passing out...?
  • morethanlilies
    Just started about two weeks ago! Good luck to you.
  • Otonswife
    My name is Jessica and I as well just started trying to lose weight. I just had a baby boy 3 months ago and already lost all of my baby weight , but now i would like to lose at least 25 more before my birthday in march. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    It seems like a whole bunch of us just started this week. I'm only a few days in and the encouragement is great. Just be willing to give as much as you get.

    As for your situation, I'm in the middle of a divorce. I hope your marriage survives and becomes great, but even during the tough times, one of the better things you can do for yourself is to focus on your health. At the least, it gets your mind off the worries until you need to think about it again.

    Good luck! FR sent.
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    3G Knight:

    I hear you, I'm in the same situation. I need to get my confidence level back up after being shot down for so long... I'm looking forward to this. I've made it thru dinner under my calorie goal! 1 day at a time...
  • ladycamry
    yes just check in and not doing well with food
  • wo1wendy
    wo1wendy Posts: 40 Member
    I have been on and off this for awhile but never totally involved with it. I would not mind having friends on here. So feel free to friend me. I am a 42 yr old stay at home mom and I am trying to lose 25-30 pounds. I have never really had an appetite and then I in 2007 I had a lot of changes in my life that caused me to turn to food, in 2008 I quit smoking and at this point in time I feel I could comfortably lose 25 pounds.Not sure of what type of support I can use. I have use of a gym and I am able to make any food but my will power is not the greatest. I manange to manipulate my food diary so I have enough left over for desert. Salads are a main staple in my life and the fuller the better but I am not sure if that is good or not. SO HELLO:wink:
  • lstoomer
    Hi! My name is Shauna and I started yesterday!
  • wo1wendy
    wo1wendy Posts: 40 Member
    I am not sure of what type of support I can use but I am VERY good at supporting others.
  • lstoomer
    I was wondering if anyone had any easy, inexpensive recipes to share! We are all starting an amazing journey and we need all of the help and encouragement we can get!
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    There is a recipe section that I personally haven't checked out, but the mayo clinic website has some good recipes with all nutrition info handy. I go there when I'm looking for new ideas!
  • lovebrit_05
    Hi Ryan!

    I've been on here about a week just basically keeping track of my food intake and exercising. It really has helped alot to see exactly what my body is taking in..

    As for "never feeling hungry," you should try peanut butter for protein (but limit it because it does have alot of calories) and stock up on fresh fruits because surprisingly eating 1 whole orange can make you feel pretty full.

    Hope you hit every one of your goals! This really could be the first step of you new wonderful life!

  • Beaverton_2015
    Hello Ryan, I, too, am new, I started on the 13th of this month. I came over to MFP from another program similar to MFP. I like MFP better though. I really like their format.

    Hi! I'm Patricia, I'm from Medford, Oregon, and I just turned 59 yrs young on the 11th of October. I think of myself as young because I keep myself so active even though I have some health issues that would probably keep some people homebound. I suffer with Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and OsteoArthritis in the small of my back...just to name a few of them. I live alone so I have no one to encourage me to eat healthy (which is my main downfall....I've never really been a healthy eater until more recently.
    My current eating habits lately are frozen tv meals, soup & sandwich, and a meal out now and then with a friend. I don't use my stove or oven since I live alone (I want to keep my electric bill down) although I do have a crockpot that I use from time-to-time. I have made a killer Corned beef and cabbage meal for Saint Patricks Day.
    I hope to make a few friends here to help with some tips on eating healthier. I'm not good at these things so I hope it makes sense.
    Thank you, and Good Health to All!
  • Beaverton_2015
    @3GKnight Good advice to Ryan. I could use some of that same advice......staying focussed on my own health but I'm always willing to give help where needed and if asked. Good Health JG.