

  • Herr spoons I am not. There's no kidding myself but thanks.
  • No medical condition. Doctors can't tell me why I gain so quickly. I am always under the calorie intake. I don't eat too much. I was told I was in starvation mode. I don't know how to open the diary but will look. I just wanted to know of anyone else gains weight so rapidly. I gained 12 pounds in two weeks with not much…
  • I was just writing this same thing in my blog. I realized I started this 2010 and still am here with the same doubts, fears, discouragements, and excuses. This can be done! I don't have support and I think that might help. I am glad this is on mobile now because now maybe I can't walk away so easily. I have 100 lbs to…
  • Good job! I can't wait until I have a success. You should be very proud of yourself. :drinker:
  • I got on an 1800 calorie diet when I was pregnant and gaining 6 to 10 pounds a week. My metabolism just went wacko. I had a super rough time. I failed a lot. Right now, as I have dieted off and on and starved my body by only eating 2 times a day and completely the wrong food, I have gone over to the notion of eating every…
  • Today's my first day. GOD I LOVE COOKIES!! Cookie and Starbucks. I am rambling about that today. I'm hopeful for the both of us. And I know there's healthy cookies out there, you KNOW I will be finding out how to make em!!
  • I do know can't do all cardio. Do something that has resistance. Maybe slow it down with some yoga or tai chi. Good on muscles and for mental as well. There's great tapes for both that should help. Good luck .:flowerforyou:
  • Hello all. I just signed up today. Yes I bellydance. I started lessons oh like 15 years ago. It is my most favorite thing to do and I was surpised at how much I really burn doing it. I stopped the dance and activity over the last year and really packed on the poundage, including being stupid and drinking Starbucks everyday…