D_Bouch73 Member


  • Holly, Thanks for the good luck in finding a job, how is your search going? As for me, I had to stop looking for awhile (broke my left wrist, cast for6 weeks)but there is thing, there is age discrimination out there! You and everyone else that posted something looks young & I am older than you all (61 in Sept) so who's…
  • I just bought almond milk (vanilla) & I :heart: it haven't tried the orginal yet but will! also I like silk soy millk all flavors
  • Hi, just read your post about looking for a jobI I am in the same situation as you looking for a job! good luck in finding some thing in your field! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am Donna from NY
  • I have done yoga & I enjoyed it alot, can't wait to get back to it but it won't be until I get my cast off! 9 more days! I would logged it as strength, hope that helps or that what you where looking for? Donna
  • I agree with Michelle Wagner 50, when was the last time you went to see your dr? if has been awhile make an appointment & find out, another thing is when in the month do you feel bloated? if it is around your monthly visit that could be other reason you feel that way. Hope that helps? Donna