BFitNation Member


  • Even when I wasn't a premium member i logged my exercise my macros changed. And I do remember I was able to change that function without being a member and that function isn't there anymore. This started happening a couple days ago or so. Yes I'm looking it under cardio and not strength training.
  • yeah it seems like every calculator gives different TDEE's so frustrating, like you said you just gotta find what your TDEE actually is. I think i might know what it is because lately when i weigh myself I'm usually in the 136 ish at a little over 2000 calories. I just don't wanna gain weight after my cut i just wanna…
  • you have seriously been such a great help to me figuring out what i should do :D i think i build muscle pretty fast. You seriously look amazing for almost being 48 girl :D what app do you use to track your weight daily? ill check that discussion out :D
  • basically its just a learning process? just figuring out what your body likes and doesn't like? So i should weight monthly to see progress and take pictures and measurements? I usually weight myself every monday used to do it every friday, i shouldn't do that? ill do a different program for bulking :D
  • I did Carb cycling before when i was cutting and i did good i lost about 6lbs, but i think i might just stay at the same macros for this cut and see what happened, I know for sure the fats will have to be higher since i always have the hardest staying under fat haha. I wanna do a slow cut as well :D how long is a safe…
  • Yeah ill prob start off slowly at 75-100 and then add more if needed. Should i use the macros that IIFYM gives me or MFP? Im actually going to be cutting with the 12 week program that i have then do my bulking phase for at least 2 or so months. Should i carb cycling on the cutting phase? What should my med macros be?…
  • When you say steady like 1 or 2lbs from the weight i started at? or just stay at the same weight? how long exactly should i stay in maintenance, 2 weeks? Should i do carb cycling during my cutting phase? if not should i just do moderate carbs the whole 12 weeks? What would be the best macros for medium? and also calories?…
  • IIFYM has my TDEE at 2183 i believe, does that sounds good? how long should i stay at that number for before adding the calories? And when you say reach your max your talking about the calories i add to my TDEE and when my weight stays the same or keeps going up? sorry just wanting to make sure i do everything right. so my…
  • yes i do want to do a clean bulk, want min fat gain, so i should add 200-250 calories to TDEE right after my cutting phase? someone told me to wait until i stay at the same weight before adding calories to my TDEE, what do you think about that? Is protein the only macro i should really pay attention to? and yes i do have a…
  • Wish that was the case for me I have to have at least 57 to 60 fats which sucks because it's hard for me to eat lower fast specially since I don't get paid weekly or enough to to go grocery shopping 1 a week to get low fat things so other then that I try my best to stay no more then 60G of Fat :smile: and always stay a…
  • That's what I've been doing :) been taking what iifym says then tweek it if I have to :smile:I thought I would get other options :)
  • Girl you couldn't of said it any better :) and your totally right :smile: your awesome haha.
  • That's what I was thinking, I agree you really won't know exactly what it will be or if it will work for you either! Yeah that's what I also read that they said just eat at maintenance :) I should eat the carbs that myfitnesspal shows up for eating at maintenance?
  • The reason why I was asking is to make sure because a lot of ppl have been telling me sedentary that's why I'm asking so I can make sure that I'm doing this right and not messing up.
  • That's what I was thinking but just wanted to make sure that it was correct :) yeah I'm 136, yeah I agree plus I feel like 1300 calories isn't good for me. So eat 1/2 of the calories I burn back?
  • I'm not using MFP calorie burned or the machines. The calorie burned came from my HRM and it was 2 different workouts.
  • I do cashier also but it's mainly me just walking around helping and putting clothing back. Yeah I usually get including before work I usually get around 20,000 steps and without work I usually get about 8-10,000 steps. And since I burned 1,115 calories today during my workout should I eat 50% back of that? Because when I…
  • Just me I think that eating 1200 is way way to low at least I don't believe in eating that low of calories. Are you starving when you eat 1200 calories a day? What are you eating? I would try upping your calories a little but then again that's just me.
  • Haha that seems like way to much work, I got no time for that haha:) Thanks for explaining this to me.
  • How am I able to find out if I'm over calculating? On an average my HR is at 140-180. Yeah I've noticed today doing the cross trainer it said that I burned 200 something calories in 35 minutes and my HRM I burned 166 calories and it's a polar machine too. It's crazy how things are logged differently
  • When your saying 200- age what does that mean? Yeah I added my height, age, and height
  • I understand what your saying, I was just showing you what I found that's all. And I'm not by any means arguing against basic human physiology what so ever. Im just saying what I've heard from other ppl that polar watches or any watches in that matter that uses HRM are more accurate then most things aka the treadmills…
  • For the average user, Polar heart rate monitors are among the most accurate monitors available. Individuals of normal weight and those who are overweight should be able to get an idea about how many calories they have burned during use, but they should also bear in mind that since heart rate is not always the best way to…
  • Various studies utilizing different Polar heart rate monitors have demonstrated that the monitors are highly accurate at estimating energy expenditure when compared to the actual energy expenditures evaluated by indirect calorimetry -- a lab-based test that is considered the gold standard measure of energy expenditure. The…
  • I have the Fitbit one and I love mine too but that's not as accurate as my polar watch as in lifting and what not. I still think that my polar is pretty accurate because I go to this one website that tells you how much calories that you burn and I put how long I workout and what I did and what my polar watch says is pretty…
  • Why wouldn't it be accurate?? It's more accurate then most things specially on MFP
  • My proteins are set at around 109-120 but sometimes it changes. Days I eat more I try to eat more meats.
  • So I should have 147 calories left to eat?
  • So I should have 147 calories left to eat?
  • My goal was to eat 1650 I ended up eating 1815 calories today im always hungry lol. I burned 574 calories today and have 409 left so I should eat 50% of 409? Which I should have 204 calories left to eat? Or I should eat 50% of 574 which would be 287 calories I have extra to eat. Which means I ate over the