Tanyaka Member


  • Yea, same as above really. I make Spaghetti the same way but add lentils instead of mince. Mexican I use kidney beans and refried beans with Salsa and corn, onion and capsicum Stir fries I just omit the meat as I love the sauce and noodles and my fav veg. If you're good at cooking tofu you can add that. I'm not :P Homemade…
  • I always regret over indulging for special occasions.. you say it is just one day.. but there are sooo many special occasions! Christmas.. Easter.. Birthdays for everyone you know.. parties.. sometimes it only takes one bad day to throw you off track and ruin your momentum. For me anyway. Saying that, you need to be happy…
  • Yep, definitely identify your triggers and cut them out. For me, I loooove chips and I can't buy them and portion them. So I don't buy them at all. After a while of reducing junk food your tastes will honestly change - for the better!! I find snacking on fruit helps me get healthy calories in my day and lots of water…
  • Eh. I lost 20 kilos based on 1200 restriction and one work out a day. With a rest/relaxed calorie day each week. If you're eating the right foods you can fit a lot in!!!! I I admit I did put weight back on.. but that was years later and due to a completely different lifestyle change, not just "normal eating" It is…
  • Thanks guys, looking less lonely already on my front page :) Looking forward to seeing how you all are keeping motivated :D
  • Yep. I find that the week before and then at the start of the week I turn in to a hunger machine!! I am just insatiable. Not even a specific craving, I just feel like my stomach is hollow and I need to fill it! And then again I always have the one day first where I am not hungry at all and just want to sloth around. Maybe…
  • As so many others have said, this is a great fitness tool!!! It really did take me from couch potato to running 5k. I did it during my first weight loss and I really turned in to a runner! It did wonders for my body and although it killed me the first time, it is so sensibly paced out that you improve greatly! I love…
    in Couch to 5K Comment by Tanyaka May 2012
  • Your diet is your own business.. No one should hunt you down! I am 99% vegan, due to animal welfare issues, but openly admit to being lax about the other 1% Vegetarian 100% though. :) Processed is bad, but there are plenty of vegetarian meats that are quite healthy for you. Any diet type has potential to be health or…
  • You could set yourself to live a vegan lifestyle except for your one treat morning on Sundays. Or just think, what do you want more? And is the bacon a hindrance to your weight loss? If you want to go 100% vegan you could tell yourself you're doing it as a trial.. give up the bacon for 1 month and focus on your health...…