Couch to 5K



  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    Thank you so much for your comments. Any suggestions on a good running shoe??

    Anything by Asics are good. I've got some Tourana 5's. They are a trail shoe as I run quite a bit off road. I picked them up in a 24 hour sale for £35 and they made the workd of difference. I wouldn't have carried on without them to be brutally honest, as it was just too painful.


    But any reasonable quality shoe will help immensely...especially for new runners like me and you :)
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I downloaded the Chubby Jones podcasts for free to my ipod nano and I swear I don't think I would have gotten as far as I have without them. I'm on week 8 now so I just put on my own music and set my stopwatch for 28 minutes, but for all the interval runs I used the podcasts and they were really great. She gives you a pep talk and puts in some upbeat music and in a couple of them she runs along with you. My phone and ipod don't do apps, they are just simple gadgets so the podcast was perfect for me.
  • SteadyEdina
    SteadyEdina Posts: 18 Member
    Is it an ipod nano 6th generation? That has the nike fitness program already integrated into the ipod. I used it on Wednesday and its pretty good. When you run don't go too fast just plod along at a pace that you can comfortably hold a conversation. Beware running can become addictive and soon you will be analysing your splits and monitoring your pace
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Is it an ipod nano 6th generation? That has the nike fitness program already integrated into the ipod. I used it on Wednesday and its pretty good. When you run don't go too fast just plod along at a pace that you can comfortably hold a conversation. Beware running can become addictive and soon you will be analysing your splits and monitoring your pace

    I think mine must be, because it is equipped with the Nike+ feature, which i'm having a lot of fun with...i'm even playing that game on the site and just unlocked Paris and Tokyo after completing New York. :laugh: Apparently i'm simple and easy to entertain because I get a kick out of that game on the site. :laugh:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I just started this week, I downloaded an app for my droid. I'm pretty excited so far, but a little nervous about week 2
  • bmoregan
    bmoregan Posts: 109 Member
    Replying to myak623...

    Just my experience... Got shin-splints anytime I got close to 15 or 20km per week - which is not really a lot. Happened 4 or 5 times over 10 years. Got the physio/custom orthotics etc.. Never really solved it.
    Then I moved from tarmac/pavement to grass. Its made a huge difference - even with the exact same shoes (Asics). I'm lucky 'cos I live near a public park where I can usually find dry grassy paths. That said, I rely on the gym for most of my exercise now.
  • sive1990
    sive1990 Posts: 38
    I'm starting mine today! Way excited haha! Have heard such great reviews about it!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I just started this last week. Today was day 1 of week 2.
    Good luck to anyone doing it too! We can do it!
  • Tanyaka
    Tanyaka Posts: 13 Member
    As so many others have said, this is a great fitness tool!!!

    It really did take me from couch potato to running 5k. I did it during my first weight loss and I really turned in to a runner! It did wonders for my body and although it killed me the first time, it is so sensibly paced out that you improve greatly!

    I love running to it, I feel like Robert really encourages me to keep going :P

    I just finished week 3 today. Am starting over now that i'm ready to lose weight again. It isn't hard either, the running skills I picked up have stayed with me, I love it!!
  • alexwilliams356
    alexwilliams356 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing it too. Im on Week 1 Day 3 tomorrow. I have a great app on my phone. Tells you when to run and walk and allows your music to play at the same time. I use it on my treadmill but it has a gps so you can also use it outdoors.