

  • Any time I go out to eat, I check the website for the place. If it's big enough, it will have nutrition facts online (more than likely). If not, look at the menu and see if you can find the place in the food database and plan out your meal. Or, like Acg67 said, don't worry about it. As long as it's not a normal thing (i.e.…
  • It looks like you are cycling your goals, but your actual caloric intake stays steady. Might try hitting the goals (including the higher calorie goals) so that your actual caloric intake fluctuates.
  • Several friends have done this and it works out fine. I have also heard a tip for getting past weight loss plateaus doing this. For example: if your normal calorie intake is 2000/day, eat 2200 one day, 1700 the next. Gives you a net loss, but your body thinks you are eating more and doesn't store as much. I haven't tried…