bigunme Member


  • Just checking in ;) Made a couple of extra friends and have managed to tame the Potato Chip "pacman' devil :explode: a lot better lately ..".Just have one little bag of chips .." ....he he and have managed to do at least 4 days of cardio. small steps but all add up ... I'm out ...
  • Hi! Trying to Re-commit Its difficult, when although not stated directly, most seem to only look at what the scale says. The scale doesn't show all efforts made. I.e. Maintain 3 to 5 days of working out Setting goals of burning at least 500 calories when exercising Riding bike for at least 500 calories with 10 miles…
  • I sometimes opt to use honey mustard and will add some dried cranberries or you could just add the tuna to eggbeaters with salt & pepper or Ms Dash seasoning for breakfast (drain first if using can tuna).
  • Try to eat more seafood and only slightly indulge in foods such a pizza, buffalo wings and potatoes/starches, but load up on fruit. . Watch the sugary frozen drinks/alcohol ,strive to move some (walking, swimming, hit the gym, dancing) and drink lots of water. Relax, but don't lose sight of your goals and have fun. It…
  • Your advice is on point and truthful .. I've struggled for a while and had some successes (lost as much as 35lbs , but gained back slowly overtime) and need a fresh start ...
  • Hello everyone, I'm new and must say that I'm very impressed with a free app, which is available via web and phone. Personally I need to lose quite a bit, but plan to take it pound by pound ... stay up! :glasses: