

  • There you go...............what a team.....hilarious....... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Be Strong........go down the hall, to the copier to the water fountain..............anything to take your mind your emails........ YOU CAN DO IT....... Kelly
  • pretty darn cold here in Ontario Canada toooooooo.............burrrrrrrrrrr PMS does suck......I'm not regular and when I had a gain of 3 lbs I nearly cried.....until I realized what it was!!!!!! K
    in PMS SUCKS Comment by marc4 February 2009
  • Personally, I love the Aqua fit classes. Your working hard and barely noticing......until later....maybe even the next day. I do water classes when I've nearly exhausted myself with the land classes and the treadmill etc..... Oh and it burns oodles of calories........ K:smile:
  • Good for you, that's something I would do......or hide something from the kids(junk food) to save thier little butts and I end up eating it!!!!!! No more!!! Cheers Kelly:wink:
  • I recently discovered this soup also and for 100 cals I don't think you can go wrong........ K
  • ha funny!!!!!!! was wondering what man-pons were????? perhaps an American thang???? K:smile:
    in MAN-Pons Comment by marc4 February 2009
  • Yum......had the Peanut butter and whole wheat (1 slice) will have the smoothie..........all this and all I had to do was ask!!!!! Thanks everyone!!!!! K:wink:
  • This may sound crazy but I have over 900 cals left and have looked in the fridge/cupboards etc and nothing appeals to me right now.........PLEASE, ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS???? :grumble: goes my tummy K
  • Giving up the D. Coke thing was really difficult for me as well, so great for you!!!! Its been nearly 1 month no coffee and no d. coke.......Feb 5/09 WOOHOO. keep up the good work! K:smile:
  • I've been having pain also, legs, rear etc. I was advised to stretch AFTER my workout, not before.......I will certainly warm up BEFORE and see how that works........thanks for asking the many times I don't even think to ask and someone else does and voila........answers...... K
  • K' WHATS A BODY BUG?????? K
  • Seems that those places call my name too when I'm upset.....rather I should say used to call my can do it too....... I have always been very on top of things children, husband, work issues, etc. except for my weight..... since joining here, I feel so much more psitive and strong and controlling what goes into…
  • YES.......I was going along great losing 2-3lbs per week for the last few weeks........then.....a gain......I thought I was going crazy.....anyway, never being "regular" monthly I had no idea that my period was coming.......then BOOM 3lb gain.......what a relief to know that there was a reason!!! I'm back to where I should…
  • Great for you for taking the 1st step, this site is a great motivator and will help you along the way..... Kelly ps. Your tickers are great!!!!
  • Congrats! Keep up the great work!! K :smile:
  • Good for mile at a time...... Cheers!! :smile:
  • Great for you!!! Mine has been the same for two weeks.....blah and I feel like I'm working my B.U.M. off.........along with a few other parts of my bod...... Congrats and keep up the good work!! K:smile:
    in woohoo Comment by marc4 February 2009
  • Saw it and LOVED of the good ones out there.......... K:wink:
  • I think I just had my hardest, most grueling workout........I too do interval training on the treadmill, I kept imagining Jillian Michaels yelling at me and I just worked harder and harder 40 mins.....and wow do I feel awsome!!!!!! Not to mention 12 mins on the Stationary rower and 16 mins on the elliptical.......and today…
  • All the best......this site will certainly keep you on track to stay motivated if you let it...... K:smile:
    in Hi! Comment by marc4 January 2009
  • Ah there you go with the humour ps. there is no option to add sugar alcohols in the "add new item list". K
  • Ok, I too have this uncontrollable urge for chocolate occasionally, I bought Sugar free Choclates but they have this sugar alcohol in it.....anyone shed any light on this? Thanks.....Kelly
  • Very good questions....... K
    in Why? Comment by marc4 January 2009
  • thats why the beef and chicken
  • This is recommended by the Sacred Heart Hospital for obese patients to lose weight quickly in order to undergo surgery..... 2 cans diced tomatos 2 cans green beans (I leave the water in) 1 bunch of celery 3 green onions 2 lbs of carrots 2 green peppers 1 carton of beef broth 1 pkg of chicken noodle soup mix Season with…
  • Wow !!!! the reponses are so quick in coming.........awesome.......shows how many good and decent people there are in the world!!!!! I :heart: THIS SITE!!!!! K
  • I'm so with you ......I was also doing extremely well......then I was seeing the same numbers on this stupid scale and my disappointment got the better of me........ I think we just have to allow ourselves those couple of days and jump right back into it......keep reading these posts though.....and maybe someone has some…
  • me GULLIBLE (SP?) you nearly had me there..........LOL!!!!!:laugh : :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Hi All...........I'm in Peterborough......... K:smile:
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