smarthart Member


  • If you don't improve your muscle tone you will never feel strong. You don't have to lift weights however to get strong. Try some good old fashion push-ups. Start on your kidding. Stand in front of your kitchen sink with your hands on the sink base with straight arms and then lower your chest to the sink. Keep…
  • Adding pounds is normal when you lift weights but you will also see your clothes get looser. Obviously a pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat but takes up a whole lot less space! Since it's really about our size and not the scale, this is a good thing. Added bonus: you'll be stronger and have better balance!
  • Just start by walking outside. The view is constantly changing so you won't get bored. I use an IPOD with fast tunes to keep up my pace. I have several different routes that I use depending upon the amount of time I have or my goal for the day. I figured out the mileage with my car!
  • Connie - Want this. Don't tell yourself you "have to because...." because you don't. The choice is yours. You said you didn't think you gave it 100% last time. You didn't or you wouldn't be here again. I know - that was me a 100 times. I was a great starter but not a very good finisher. Then my mother-in-law moved in with…
  • Ohio - I am hypoglycemic as well. When I was first diagnosed my doctor suggested I eat a lot of protien and eat often. I took that as a pass to overeat. Just because you need to eat regularly does not mean you need to overeat to feel good. Eat mini-meals (healthy, low-fat, low sugar and high protien) throughout the day and…
  • I've been practicing hot yoga for a year. A mat is very helpful to keep your feet from slipping. I would suggest wearing a tight-fitted top so it won't flop over your head during inverted poses. You can do yoga at home with a dvd but I suggest taking a few classes so you can understand how to engage your body during the…