maimden Member


  • In previous experience, I would also eat a small, low-calorie, high-fiber cereal with fat free milk and a couple glasses of water maybe 1 hour before bed if I was hungry. For days when I just felt like munching, I would snack on low-calorie veggies such as celery, lettuce (with pepper and lemon juice), peas, etc. Going to…
  • Um, yeah - I've done this diet before.. and trust me, all you will reap are negative consequences in the end. A diet this low in calories will throw your body into "starvation" or "famine" mode, meaning your energy will drop very low and you will essentially lose calories very slowly. yes - you will lose the weight.…
  • Since 3,500 calories = 1 lb of fat.. my guess is either you lost a lot of muscle (which is bad) or you lost a lot of water weight, which is most likely. Have you decreased your salt/sugar intake and increased your water intake? This is most likely the cause..
  • I always say go for time if the resistance is too hard to handle, but personally tend to go for harder faster.. I want to get home at the end of my day!