

  • Great Job! It's not about the time, it's about the laps your running around those people who are sitting on the couch! :smile:
  • I know exactly what you mean! I never really paid attention to my sodium. I just watched calories, fat, protein, and fiber. I can't believe how much sodium is in pickles and olives! It's crazy!
    in Sodium Intake Comment by akh426 May 2011
  • You have to really want it! Not just think you want it, but really WANT to lose the weight! Logging everything I eat really helps me. I have tried not to and I end up not losing anything, and then the next week I track and I lose 2 lbs.. Be honest in your tracking, it will make you more accountable for what you put into…
  • I am NOT a fan of excuses either! I used to use lots of excuses for my weight gain....birth control was never one of them. I have to agree, that's ridiculous. I can see it MAYBE making you gain 5-10 lbs., MAYBE, but more than that....bad excuse. Maybe you could suggest to her to try a different birth control or talk to her…
  • Pizza Hut Thin & Crispy, veggie toppings, light on the cheese. Looks like cardboard, but tastes pretty good!:happy:
  • Just remember everyday is a new day! Try not to think because you blew it one day that you have blown your whole diet. Losing weight is one of the hardest things I have EVER done! But when I see lbs. lost, that is what keeps me going. I do allow myself to eat whatever I want on Saturdays. So I look forward to those days!…