Keep up the good work. You can put a progress bar on your posts if you like, and if you want constructive feedback on your diet you can open your journals to be read by your friends. Just stick with it and realize there are good and bad days and the scale can be a filthy liar. Track everything no matter what and learn to…
You're holding a mother f'ing lion. I'm doing whatever you tell me out of fear lol.
Well I never felt I ate that substantially over, but it's quality vs quantity. I could eat 2 McDonald's double cheese burgers and be at half my calories for the day. Maybe a couple slices of pizza hut stuffed crust. I'd still get hungry later because of raw volume. I can eat salad until I explode and it's like 300 calories…
I know YOU and MOST people wouldn't eat that much, but most of you don't weigh the same as 2 people put together either :P. I'm just wondering if perhaps the BMR scale gets skewed as the weights get further up the chart. Like if it's meant to work in the range of people up to 300lbs and it would tell someone at 500 lbs to…
I'd be more worried if I STARTED having a period than if you stopped having one... But is your calorie intake for the day at a healthy level?
Also with the walking and exercise biking I've been doing, my legs are definitely toning up, as well as my arms so if there is muscle loss involved, I dont know where it would be coming from.
Anecdotal evidence is not proof >.>. Just saying
I read a big long article on how people who spend a lot of time sitting have muscles in the front of the hip that tend to be overly tight when you start walking/jogging/running. They suggested a stretch where you get on both your knees on the floor, then bring one foot forward like you were about to stand up. Put both your…
I want confirmation that I still, in fact, have feet.
While you are at work, it is possible to get some exercises in even at a desk. Depends if you are really busy all the time or have a few minutes every now and again. You can do desk push ups and chair leg lifts and all kinds of crazy things, there are actually several work outs to do in a cubicle if you search google that…
Another trick for not going crazy and eating so much at dinner when you're starving, have healthy snacks all day so you're not ready to eat someone's face off. Baby carrots or broccoli will keep you going at 30 calories a serving. Clementine oranges are easy to peel, high in potassium, and only 35 calories. It may not…
As another thought, the day I started having problems is the day I started taking men's one a day multivitamins and nature made fish oil. The only other association I have is the night before I had a half serving of french fries and I havnt eaten anything bad like that in two weeks or so, but I would assume that's long…
Yes the recognizable stuff is greens and vegetation. Doctor won't be an option for about a month unless things get real bad, won't have insurance until then. My fiber and water have both gone up significantly as well as activity so here's to hoping it goes away shortly.
The old cravings are almost gone and I think I'm re-establishing new ones. I definitely see a taste preference transformation, just too new into it to see what I will be craving instead
Lots of replies really fast, thanks everyone for the input. Kinda rough because I'm a picky eater (and of course I love the stuff that is the worst for me) but I have hope. I feel like my tastes might be coming around now that I'm eating like a person should.
Lots of replies really fast, thanks everyone for the input. Kinda rough because I'm a picky eater (and of course I love the stuff that is the worst for me) but I have hope. I feel like my tastes might be coming around now that I'm eating like a person should.
Never worked for general mills. The name comes from a gaming group I used to be in years and years ago. We played first person shooters and were called the cereal killers. I was the leader and of course we had captain crunch and special k and several others.
Oh, and I looked into a subway tuna sandwich to see if it was relatively healthy. 540 calories for a 6 inch with no condiments or cheese. That's pretty steep for something people might mistake as low calorie or healthy.
My biggest problem with food is that it's F'ing delicious! If they made all the worst foods taste like Doodoo then things would be easy. I don't share your problem but you've already made the first step: seeing it and looking for help. If we could do some things on our own, we would. I'm glad you're reaching out to us and…