

  • I'm in with a goal of 400 miles this month. I need a good strong start to keep my yearly goal in sight. The temps are on the cold side this week. I usually end up mixing in 2 or 3 days of running just to keep it interesting. 01/02 - 21.14 mi 01/04 - 25.10 mi 01/05 - 33.63 mi 01/06 - 21.15 mi MTD: 101 miles Happy New Year…
  • Thanks for the information SingingSingleTracker! Should be helpful to many on this thread. Seems that a lot of people have taken a break for the winter. I ride year round, but I don't get much snow either. I need to pick up some goggles as the dry air really causes my eyes to get red after an hour or so.
  • That's pretty awesome faugsu!! Given your past performance, you shouldn't have any problem dropping even more. I'm not setting any goals this month. I've hit my yearly goal, so I'm going to ride/run and enjoy the month.
  • Indeed that's a wrap on November. What a crazy weather month for us (and I'm sure others as well). Way to finish strong fejiofor! Keep up the great work Pensiero Bello! Faugsu and sajeffe, you guys are so consistent! This was my best cycling month since I started cycling a year and a half ago. I hit my goal of 500 miles…
  • Wow! You are determined! I hope that you are able to hit your goal as you've been working so hard on it this month.
  • Goal: 500 Miles MTD: 501 Miles!
  • Goal: 500 miles, MTD 450 miles. Ye ol' windy days.
  • Sounds like you are off to a great start Oriole35! Just hang in there and you'll be amazed. Goal: 500 miles. MTD: 395 miles Wind is still pretty brutal out there. A good visual would be the treatment that Hulk gives Loki in the last part of the Avengers movie. Today the temperature in the middle of the day was nice and…
  • Goal: 500 miles, MTD: 337 miles (+41 miles running). The wind is brutal out there right now.
  • Awesome job m1xm0d3! With those long term goals, it's tough to keep the motivation up. Glad that you were able to push through (especially given the issues)!
  • Subtract a year and that's me. Signed on to MFP a year and a half ago. Lost 45 pounds over six months with "starving myself" and busting my hump. I'm determined to not go back. My wife thinks I've gone insane with my exercise, but that's about the only way I know to stick to it. I don't count, but I weigh every day and log…
  • 11/1 - Cycling - 33.78 mi 11/2 - Cycling - 33.78 mi 11/3 - Running - 8.46 mi 11/4 - Cycling - 33.76 mi 11/5 - Cycling - 33.74 mi 11/6 - Running - 7.41 mi 11/7 - Running - 10.36 mi 11/8 - Cycling - 33.51 mi 11/9 - Cycling - 21.19 mi 11/10 - Cycling - 33.76 mi 11/11 - Cycling - 33.76 mi MTD: 257 miles cycling
  • It starting to get a little cooler out there which means longer rides for me. I'm going to shoot for 500 miles this month. That would be a personal best if I can hit it. Goal: 500 miles (+75 miles running) MTD 168 miles cycling (+26 miles running) Welcome Calliope610! I would like to do that BP MS150 in 2015 as well. I…
  • Congrats sajeffe and UmmSqueaky! faugsu, you were in beast mode this past month. Congrats to you sir! Ohhim, some nice scenery there. Congrats on completing a great month of riding and running. Outstanding job there! Well done kcjchang!
  • I'm about a year into cycling (CAAD 10) and went with the newbies basic Shimano SPDs. Less than $100 to get started. I fell over once while adjusting to them (fatigue after a long ride contributed to that). It really wasn't a big deal at all. They become second nature after a week or so. When you want some extra power…
  • Great job SingingSingleTracker! Some great results for what sounds like a fantastic riding season for you. Steffenson, you climbed over 100k feet this season!?! Amazing! Faugsu, you put in some serious miles as well this month. I tried to catch you, but no way :). Nice job. Double2dd, you are only 20 miles off. You got…
  • Nice pics Paul! Looks like you were enjoying a nice pain killer there. You are quite the determined rider Ohhim! Keep up the great work! hhmb8k, I think m1xm0d3 is right about that being in its own thread. You would probably get much better answers/suggestions. I will say that a year and a half ago, I was in the same place…
  • Good to see you on here Paul. Missed those riding pictures you used to post. BTW, the total might be low, but the 2 rides were good ones. We are heading toward the end of October. From the posts, there's lots of great efforts. Everybody hang in there and stay safe.
  • 10/1 - 24.09 mi 10/2 - 25.11 mi 10/3 - 25.40 mi 10/4 - 25.36 mi 10/11 - 36.44 mi 10/12 - 25.57 mi 10/15 - 32.57 mi 10/16 - 32.57 mi 10/17 - 21.09 mi 10/18 - 25.13 mi 10/20 - 32.59 mi 10/21 - 25.12 mi 10/22 - 25.16 mi MTD - 356.22 mi Goal - 400 mi (+40 mi running)
  • I've had the Lumia 920 for about 2 years now and still love it. I tried the other OSs, but I just prefer the WP8 layout. Will probably keep this one for a while since it has been good to me. I use Runtastic Pro to track both my cycling and running.
  • With a week away from my road bike due to a business trip (brought my running shoes instead), I'm going to be back with a vengeance :). Good to see so many new faces on here. Keep up the hard work! You'll never see how much better you do next month if you don't keep it up this month. Cold weather is coming and I'll be…
  • ... and because you are awesome! Goal 400 miles, MTD 49 Miles. Guess I need to start wearing my earbuds so I can listen to some Fleetwood Mac while on the road (at least some of the good stuff that's as old as I am).
  • I'm in. Goal 400 miles. MTD: 24 miles.
  • Faugsu, I'm a little jealous of your upcoming ride :) Have a great time! UmmSqueaky, that's an amazing job! Congrats. lmjohnson110, you never cease to astound. Way to finish strong. Sajeffe, you're our inspiration. Keep it up. Mmron2u, way to hang strong. Lots of new faces in the thread this month and I hope everyone had…
  • 9/1/2014 - 20.59 mi 9/2/2014 - 20.55 mi 9/3/2014 - 32.75 mi 9/4/2014 - 27.24 mi 9/5/2014 - 20.55 mi 9/6/2014 - 40.14 mi 9/7/2014 - 20.19 mi 9/8/2014 - 4.80 mi (Running) 9/9/2014 - 20.23 mi 9/10/2014 - 25.32 mi 9/11/2014 - 25.73 mi 9/12/2014 - 20.28 mi 9/13/2014 - 28.97 mi 9/14/2014 - 19.81 mi 9/15/2014 - 21.62 mi 9/16/2014…
  • Wow! Seriously, a squirrel? I often wondered how bad that would be since there a lot of them I the area. Man, glad you came through that okay! I ended up bruising my tailbone which is a lot worse than any wasp sting. Did the squirrel get you?
  • 09/01 - 20.59 mi, pace 2:58 09/02 - 20.55 mi, pace 3:07 09/03 - 32.75 mi, pace 3:05 09/04 - 27.24 mi, pace 2:59 09/05 - 20.55 mi, pace 2:58 09/06 - 40.14 mi, pace 3:05 09/07 - 10.19 mi, pace 3:03 09/08 - running 09/09 - 20.23 mi, pace 2:56 09/10 - 25.32 mi, pace 3:02 09/11 - 25.73 mi, pace 3:01 MTD 253 During that last…
  • Funny, but not funny. I with you on this one. Ouch! Sorry to hear that. Hope you heal quickly and glad it wasn't worse. 09/01 - 20.59 mi, pace 2:58 09/02 - 20.55 mi, pace 3:07 09/03 - 32.75 mi, pace 3:05 09/04 - 27.24 mi, pace 2:59 09/05 - 20.55 mi, pace 2:58 MTD: 121 Goal: 300 I'm going to be busy some this month, so I…
  • I'm in for 300 miles cycling this month (+ 30 miles running). I'm going to be losing a week, so I need a strong start. So far, 41 miles MTD.
  • Congrats to all! As it is each month, some people put up some monster numbers (you know who you are) and others put up less (some times a lot less). Everybody is a little different and you never know how much heart it took for someone to hit a lower goal (again, you know who you are). I'm amazed by some many great efforts!…