October Cycling Thread 2014



  • Good to see you on here Paul. Missed those riding pictures you used to post. BTW, the total might be low, but the 2 rides were good ones.

    We are heading toward the end of October. From the posts, there's lots of great efforts. Everybody hang in there and stay safe.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    10/04 - 15.36 @ 14.1 mph
    10/05 - 15.29 @ 15.2 mph
    10/06 - 15.11 @ 15.1 mph
    10/07 - 07.00 @ 14.5 mph (AM Commute)
    10/07 - 09.01 @ 15.9 mph (PM Commute)
    10/07 - 02.83 @ 06.9 mph
    10/08 - 07.09 @ 14.5 mph (AM Commute)
    10/08 - 09.03 @ 14.6 mph (PM Commute)
    10/09 - 07.02 @ 14.7 mph (AM Commute)
    10/09 - 09.03 @ 15.6 mph (PM Commute)
    10/10 - 07.03 @ 14.7 mph (AM Commute)
    10/10 - 08.16 @ 15.3 mph (PM Commute)
    10/14 - 07.00 @ 14.2 mph (AM Commute)
    10/14 - 12.07 @ 16.1 mph (PM Commute)
    10/16 - 07.10 @ 14.5 mph (AM Commute)
    10/16 - 09.04 @ 15.6 mph (PM Commute)
    10/17 - 07.02 @ 15.4 mph (AM Commute)
    10/17 - 12.09 @ 15.6 mph (PM Commute)
    10/18 - 01.61 @ 02.4 mph (Singletrack)
    10/18 - 12.05 @ 14.3 mph
    10/19 - 12.18 @ 15.1 mph
    10/20 - 12.09 @ 15.9 mph
    10/21 - 07.01 @ 14.4 mph (AM Commute)
    10/21 - 09.04 @ 14.4 mph (PM Commute)
    10/23 - 12.10 @ 16.9 mph

    MTD: 232.38
    Goal: 300

  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good to see you on here Paul. Missed those riding pictures you used to post.

    When I found this thread it occurred to me that I should put some pics up. Here's a couple from last night.


    Me, after the ride

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Lots of riding on my beater bike through the leaf gazing paradise of western PA this week. Still on the fence about doing the 350 mile Pittsburgh to DC ride next week, but I'll see how the weather forecast plays out and check with Amtrak on bike rules and B&Bs on availability over the weekend. Plan is to do it as 4 days of 85-mile rides. Otherwise, I'll just go to the end of the Great Allegheny Passage in Cumberland, MD and back in 3 days (150 miles each way).

    10/2 - 27 miles (17.4 mph)
    10/6 - 52 miles (16.1 mph)
    10/7 - 38 miles (16.1 mph)
    10/8 - 52 miles (16.2 mph)
    10/9 - 7 miles (14 mph)
    10/10 - 19 miles (15.5 mph)
    10/11 - 32 miles (16.1 mph)
    10/12 - 18 miles (12 mph w. slow friend)
    10/15 - 46 miles (15.7 mph)
    10/17 - 33 miles (16.5 mph)
    10/19 - 26 miles (no speed computer)
    10/20 - 48 miles (no speed computer)
    10/23 - 42 miles (no speed computer)

    Total: 440 miles (19.1/day)
    Goal: 300 miles (10/day)
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Nice! Good job.
  • hhmb8k
    hhmb8k Posts: 49
    I hope I can just go ahead and post this without reading all 6 pages first to see if it has already been asked, but maybe if it has, everybody will have already practiced a good answer and have it ready and do an even better job the second time around?

    I'm trying to get back into bicycling as a substitute for jogging. An injury has made jogging or even walking moderate distances too painful and riding a stationary bike just seems like torture to me because it is so boring.

    So, here I am wanting to get active again. Beginning from a starting point of below average cardio fitness level, what is the best advice on how to begin?

    Any advice to a newbie getting into biking as a form of cardio fitness to replace walking/jogging?

    What about just basic stuff like recommendations for a training routine geared towards the out of shape beginner?

    Websites or articles that offer helpful tips?

    Equipment or gear you wish you had or were glad you did have when starting out?

    I have gone out riding a few times and have been really depressed at how hard it was for me and how deconditioned I had become. I used to ride my bike for hours when I was younger just like most kids and I it sure is discouraging how hard it is now.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    hhmb8k wrote: »

    Your questions might be better suited in it's own thread than in the October cycling thread. $.02
  • Nice pics Paul! Looks like you were enjoying a nice pain killer there.

    You are quite the determined rider Ohhim! Keep up the great work!

    hhmb8k, I think m1xm0d3 is right about that being in its own thread. You would probably get much better answers/suggestions. I will say that a year and a half ago, I was in the same place you are now. Knees hurt too much to jog and I got tired quickly on my bike. I just started riding what I could with the old bike that I had. I tracked everything with [insert favorite mile tracking app here] which ended up being the motivation that I needed to get over the hump. It took a few months, but the distances and speed started to increase. So after a consistent 2 or 3 rides a week, I'm now able to jog a little without the knee pain. Everyone is different and you know yourself better than anyone else. Don't push too hard, but be consistent and you'll improve (minus any injuries that would affect things). I certainly wish you the best.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Oct 1 81 miles
    10-2 53
    10-3 69
    10-4 46
    10-5 29
    10-8 15
    10-10 15
    10-11 15
    10-16 15
    10-17 15
    10-18 16
    10-20 20
    10-21 16
    10-22 21
    10-23 15
    10-24 22 MTD 463
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    edited October 2014
    10/18 - 31 miles
    10/22 - 34 miles
    10/24 - 39 miles
    Pathetic total for the month so far: 104 miles

    And a picture: I started a Facebook group call Fort Worth Bicycle Picture Tag. Basically the person who's "IT" takes a picture of their bike in front of a piece of art in the city and posts it to the group. A new person becomes "IT" when they take a picture of their bike in the same spot and post it as a comment on the picture where the current "IT" posted his photo. On this morning's ride I became "IT" by taking this picture (in front of the mural the last guy took a picture with his bike)


    And then took another picture with my bike in front of a new mural


    The new mural is only 2 weeks old, painted during a recent local art fest.

  • Double2dd
    Double2dd Posts: 18 Member
    10/4 - 15M
    10/11 - 15M
    10/18 - 15M
    10/19 - 20M
    10/25 - 15M

    MTD - 80M

    Missed my goal of 120 miles in September.

    I will keep the same goal - 120 miles for October[/quote]

  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Oct 1 81 miles
    10-2 53
    10-3 69
    10-4 46
    10-5 29
    10-8 15
    10-10 15
    10-11 15
    10-16 15
    10-17 15
    10-18 16
    10-20 20
    10-21 16
    10-22 21
    10-23 15
    10-24 22
    10-25 35 MTD 498 Def would have ridden further if I'd known I could hit 500 today.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited October 2014
    October 2 - rode 6.5 miles for a duration of 00:35.48
    October 6 - rode 12.9 miles for a duration of 1:04:35
    October 7 - rode 26.7 miles for a duration of 1:35:27
    October 9 - rode 11.3 miles for a duration of 00:45:02
    October 11 - rode 17.4 miles for a duration of 1:25:36
    October 12 - rode 19.3 miles for a duration of 1:04:51
    October 14 - rode 14.8 miles for a duration of 1:00:42
    October 16 - rode 14.4 miles for a duration of 1:00:01
    October 17 - rode 9.85 miles for a duration of 00:45:47
    October 18 - rode 6.65 miles for a duration of 00:44:55
    October 19 - rode 15.4 miles for a duration of 1:28:43 (XC Race - 4th place)
    October 21 - rode 18.6 miles for a duration of 1:24:15
    October 23 - rode 7.49 miles for a duration of 00:45:07
    October 24 - rode 5.53 miles for a duration of 00:37:16
    Octboer 25 - rode 13.19 miles for a duration of 1:22:59 (XC Race - 3rd place)

    October Total = 200.1 miles/15:41:04 hours

    Racing Season is Over!!!

    I made the podium in 10 races out of 13 for the XC Mountain Bike Races I did in 2014. The season stretched from March 29 to October 25. I was happy with the weight loss, and my on the bike performance. I'm starting to feel the cumulative effects of annual structured training - in a good way - and look forward to improvement next year by building on what went right this year.

    Last race of the year rippin' it....


    Now it is time to wind down a bit before I move into off season weight lifting, and prepare for the base building phase of January - March. Sunshine and a gorgeous Fall day today with a high of 74 could mean a nice long Zone 2 ride to unwind and burn off all the food I ate yesterday. I haven't been on a ride longer than 90 minutes this entire month!!!!

  • Double2dd
    Double2dd Posts: 18 Member
    10/4 - 15M
    10/11 - 15M
    10/18 - 15M
    10/19 - 20M
    10/25 - 15M
    10/26 - 20M

    MTD - 100M

    Missed my goal of 120 miles in September.

    I will keep the same goal - 120 miles for October[/quote]

  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    10/11 - 29 miles @16mph with 950' climbing
    10/13 - 33 miles @17.5mph with 1,300' climbing
    10/18 - 33 miles @18.6mph with 1,000' climbing
    10/19 - 21 miles @ 15.2 with 1,300 feet of climbing
    10/26 - 28 miles @14.9mph with 1,800' climbing - Nice sunny fall day with a 25mph head wind the whole ride (not sure how that happened). Very likely the last bike ride this year.

    MTD: 144 miles and 6,350' climbing
    Goal: >140 miles and >5,833' climbing.

    Made my monthly and yearly goal! I have now biked over 2,000 miles and climbed over 100,000 feet this season.

    I have great plans of doing spinning in the off season (the next 4 1/2 months) to at lest maintain some semblance of bike fitness - but I had the same plans last year and didn't get on a bike until late March so wish me better luck this year!

    Hope everyone has a nice fall and wrap up to your bike season. It has been fun seeing everyone's postings.
  • OldDogSparky
    OldDogSparky Posts: 59
    edited October 2014
    Great job SingingSingleTracker! Some great results for what sounds like a fantastic riding season for you. Steffenson, you climbed over 100k feet this season!?! Amazing! Faugsu, you put in some serious miles as well this month. I tried to catch you, but no way :). Nice job.

    Double2dd, you are only 20 miles off. You got this. Tetesandra, good luck on finishing up. Almost a week left, time to put in a few extra.

    I met my month goal today. My goal was 400 miles riding and 40 miles running. MTD: 412 miles riding + 42 miles running (7 today to finish it up). I'll pad it some this week, but I need a couple days to recover.
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    October 21
    50km for the month of october.
    10/1 5.14 km
    10/2 3.04km
    10/3 7.07km
    10/4 9.43km
    10/5 5.75km
    10/6 7.12km
    10/7 14.19km
    10/9 7km
    10/11 7.24 km
    10/13 15.02km
    10/14 14.67km
    10/15 7.55km
    10/16 7.1km
    10/20 15.24km
    10/21 8km
    10/22 5km
    10/26 14.55km
    total to date 153.11km

    Have met my goal of 50 km. Awesome challenge my thighs and knees are feeling it.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Month's goal: 400 miles

    10/2: 22.3 miles
    10/5: 28.5 miles
    10/6: 24.1 miles
    10/7: 29.6 miles
    10/8: 29.6 miles
    10/9: 24.0 miles
    10:10: 23.3 miles
    10/13: 16.8 miles
    10/14: 30.3 miles
    10/15: 39.9 miles
    10/16: 36.7 miles
    10/17: 29.6 miles
    10/21: 22.0 miles
    10/22: 22.1 miles
    10/23: 30.0 miles
    10/24: 21.9 miles

    Month's total: 430.7

    Going to aim for 500 instead of the initial 400. No snow yet (knock on wood). Hoping to bike 3 days this next week.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Oct 4 23 miles 1:50
    Oct 5 25 miles 1:45
    Oct 11 27 miles 1:50
    Oct 12 18 miles. 1:30
    Oct 18 24 miles 1:55
    Oct 19. 28 miles 2:10
    Oct 25 25 miles 1:50
    Oct 26 - 3 .1 miles and then a flat. Ran a 5K in the morning and then was going to bike -- just planning on going about 15 miles. Then I got a flat! Only had the bike about 5 weeks and I stupidly didn't buy a kit to repair it yet. So I went 3.1 miles. Kind of odd ... ran 3.1 and then biked 3.1. Goal this week - learn to fix a flat.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    hhmb8k wrote: »
    I hope I can just go ahead and post this without reading all 6 pages first to see if it has already been asked, but maybe if it has, everybody will have already practiced a good answer and have it ready and do an even better job the second time around?

    I'm trying to get back into bicycling as a substitute for jogging. An injury has made jogging or even walking moderate distances too painful and riding a stationary bike just seems like torture to me because it is so boring.

    So, here I am wanting to get active again. Beginning from a starting point of below average cardio fitness level, what is the best advice on how to begin?

    Any advice to a newbie getting into biking as a form of cardio fitness to replace walking/jogging?

    What about just basic stuff like recommendations for a training routine geared towards the out of shape beginner?

    Websites or articles that offer helpful tips?

    Equipment or gear you wish you had or were glad you did have when starting out?

    I have gone out riding a few times and have been really depressed at how hard it was for me and how deconditioned I had become. I used to ride my bike for hours when I was younger just like most kids and I it sure is discouraging how hard it is now.

    My husband and I went out and bought bikes July 5th of this year after not riding since we were kids. It was sad how sort and hard or first rides were. Our neighborhood roads form a loop of about a mile and a half. It took us about 40 min to complete that loop and there was 1 hill we had to walk up. And by the time we finished we were drenched with sweat and exausted. We kept at it though and it got better. Now our easy route for a nice leisurely ride with our 6 year old is about 3.5 miles and takes us about the same 40 min.

    You just gotta keep going. You build endurance by pushing your current level of endurance. Try not to get discouraged. You gotta start where you are and there no shame in that.

    We did start with cheap bikes bought at the department store, but once we figured out how much we were enjoying biking we bought entry level bikes from the local bike shop. I was astounded at the difference in quality. The new bikes really are worth that much more money.

    Oh and I really enjoy keeping track of our rides on an app on my phone. It's a concrete way to see my progress.