September Cycling Challenge 2014



  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Month's goal: 500 miles

    9/2: 28.4 miles
    9/3: 30.7 miles
    9/4: 30.2 miles
    9/6: 10.4 miles
    9/7: 60.5 miles
    9/8: 18.1 miles
    9/9: 30.1 miles
    9/10: 17.8 miles
    9/11: 28.9 miles
    9/12: 25.5 miles
    9/13: 36.3 miles
    9/14: 60.6 miles
    9/16: 15 miles
    9/17: 14.8 miles
    9/19: 29.8 miles
    9/20: 10.6 miles
    9/22: 27.9 miles
    9/23: 29.7 miles
    9/24: 21.7 miles
    9/25: 31.8 miles
    9/26: 29.6 miles
    9/30: 29.5 miles

    Month's total: 617.9

    Goal met and exceeded, thanks to my 2 bike tours of 60 miles. Now on to October. It's dark when I ride in the morning, and getting a bit chilly. I need to purchase a new pair of winter leggings, as the ones I wore last spring are now 2 sizes too large. I thankfully have enough up top for layering that I don't need to buy anything else for fall riding. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get snow until November, so I have another whole month's riding to get in (with tons of calories to torch, thus facilitating the rest of the weight loss I need to go).
  • Faugsu, I'm a little jealous of your upcoming ride :) Have a great time! UmmSqueaky, that's an amazing job! Congrats. lmjohnson110, you never cease to astound. Way to finish strong. Sajeffe, you're our inspiration. Keep it up. Mmron2u, way to hang strong. Lots of new faces in the thread this month and I hope everyone had fun.

    I had a 300 mile ride (+30 mile run) goal. I got back from our family Disney Cruise and managed to finish up with 401 miles riding (+ 42 miles running). Very happy about that. Even got to run my first race on Disney's Castaway Cay (5K).
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Totally in. I just bought a hybrid bike last week. I have put about 54 miles on over the weekend. Not sure how well that is. I am new to biking, I used to run until I developed knee injuries. :( My boyfriend brought me on to biking and I absolutely love it!. I am going to set a goal for 200 miles a month. I live in NEPA so the winters are going to be very tough and the hills out here are, well, very hilly. LOL! Feel free to add me, just please leave a message.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    September goal: 225 miles

    9/1: 15.29 miles
    9/2: 29.18 miles
    9/3: 23.66 miles
    9/4: 37.95 miles
    9/9: 15.40 miles
    9/14: 30.39 miles
    9/15: 14.06 miles
    9/16: 15.55 miles
    9/20: 16.02 miles
    9/27: 12.24 miles
    9/29: 14.35 miles

    Total: 224.09. Ack! I must have miscalculated at some point, as I was confident yesterday I only needed a bit more than 12 more. I am unlikely to be able to ride tonight due to my schedule and the time it gets dark (my weekend plan of adding in some mileage and getting to 250 was abandoned earlier), so I'm okay with this, but it would have been so easy to add in an extra mile last night.

    I was going to bring my October goal down to 200 given earlier darkness times and the possible weather issues, but now I'm not. Plus, I just bought good lights for my bike, and I notice above that I still haven't done more than 40 miles in a day. So it's 225 for October too, plus at least one single day above 40 miles.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Good work everyone! I was giving my bike a friendly pat as I went through my garage. To my dismay, I discovered a flat tire and some cobwebs. Stupid Surgery!!!!!!!!

    Here is the link to October:

    I hope that you will all come over, I am riding vicariously through all of you!:smile:
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Braved the rain yesterday/today to get in my last 54 miles (mostly via a 3 hour 49 mile ride yesterday) to reach 451. Dropping my road bike off at the shop for a well deserved tune-up today, then going up north tomorrow for the wild card game.

    9/3 - 13 miles
    9/4 - 16 miles
    9/6 - 22 miles
    9/7 - 21 miles
    9/8 - 5 miles
    9/9 - 31 miles
    9/10 - 12 miles
    9/11 - 18 miles
    9/12 - 25 miles
    9/13 - 12 miles
    9/14 - 12 miles
    9/15 - 40 miles
    9/16 - 11 miles
    9/17 - 12 miles
    9/18 - 11 miles
    9/19 - 24 miles
    9/21 - 15 miles
    9/23 - 16 miles
    9/24 - 14 miles
    9/25 - 8 miles
    9/26 - 17 miles
    9/27 - 23 miles
    9/28 - 18 miles
    9/29 - 50 miles
    9/30 - 5 miles

    Total: 451 miles (15/day)
    Target 450 miles (15/day)
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    09/01 - 49 miles @ 18.3mph with 3,000' climbing
    09/02 - 16 miles @ 20.1mph with 650' climbing --- Reached one of my September goals on my first try!

    Sick for 2 weeks and lost all my biking shape.

    09/20 - 16 miles @ 17.5mph with 650' climbing - way too much effort for this speed.
    09/27 - 62 miles @ 16mph with 2.800' climbing - 4 mile stretch of milled road top.
    09/28 - 22 miles @ 18.1mph with 600' climbing - Again feeling sluggish for amount of effort put in.

    MTD 165 miles and 7,700' climbing

    Clearly I fell well short of all my monthly goals. What I mostly miss is my loss of being in biking shape. Unfortunately it now gets dark so early in the evening that I can only do weekend rides.

    September goals:::
    400 miles
    20,000' climbing
    my 16 mile loop@ 20+mph 3x ---- Completed 1st on 9/3 @ 20.1mph
    my 22 mile loop <1hr

    My yearly goal (season ends mid October) is to bike 2,000 miles and climb 100,000 feet - I started the month at 1,704miles and 86,371'
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Date - Duration / Distance
    9/02 - 1:00:00 / 16.11
    9/03 - 1:00:01 / 16.58
    9/05 - 1:13:12 / 11.22
    9/07 - 1:57:51 / 28.67
    9/08 - 1:16:18 / 20.41
    9/11 - 1:05:01 / 17.34
    9/12 - 1:17:06 / 17.75
    9/13 - 1:11:51 / 20.53
    9/15 - 1:32:32 / 24.97
    9/17 - 0:35:01 / 8.18
    9/18 - 1:35:48 / 27.25
    9/19 - 1:08:18 / 16.62
    9/21 - 1:35:40 / 27.34
    9/22 - 1:00:01 / 14.67
    9/23 - 1:09:47 / 20.47
    9/24 - 1:28:46 / 25.01
    9/25 - 0:40:01 / 10.56
    9/26 - 1:25:31 / 24.96
    9/27 - 0:35:22 / 9.76
    9/28 - 1:50:57 / 31.23
    9/29 - 1:15:01 / 20.52

    Time Riding: 25:15:26
    Distance: 410.14 miles
  • bdgfn
    bdgfn Posts: 7,719 Member
    I finished the month strong on 9/27 with a 50-mile ride for a local charity event!

    9/1 26 miles
    9/3 15 miles
    9/6 15 miles
    9/8 26 miles
    9/14 16 miles
    9/15 25 miles
    9/16 32 miles
    9/18 9 miles
    9/20 14 miles
    9/21 16 miles
    9/23 35 miles
    9/27 50 miles

    Total so far: 279 miles
    Goal: 150 miles
    Miles over goal: 129 miles
  • wjelly
    wjelly Posts: 64 Member
    Target 500km
    Total 904km

    Helped by the good weather we've enjoyed in London :glasses:

  • exercise.png

    Target was 750 miles and I went a little bit over, but less than in August, mostly because I was trying to meet a walking challenge too.

    I enjoy biking much more. Next month I will go for speed.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    Goal met!

    Goal for septembre: 240 km / 150 miles

    9.1: 31 km (19.375 miles)
    9.4: 12.63 km (7.9miles) and 6.6 km (4.1 miles)
    9.5: 25.72 km (16 miles)
    9.7: 16.08 km (10.05 miles)
    9.9: 25.72 km (16 miles)
    9.12: 25.72 km (16 miles)
    9.14: 56 km (35 miles)
    9.17: 13 km (8 miles - lol)
    9.19: 13 km (8 miles)
    9.25: 12 km (7,5 miles)
    9.30: 15 km (9.375 miles)

    Total: 252.47 km (157.8 miles)
  • zumbalinda22
    zumbalinda22 Posts: 182 Member
    Disappointed that I came within 23 miles of my goal but didn't finish. Have had a hard week, and circumstances have gotten in the way, but I tried my best! Congrats to all who completed, exceeded, or came close to their goals! Good job everyone! Is there an October challenge? Back in the saddle!
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    Totals for September:
    9/1 - 16.24 miles
    9/6 - 12.44 miles
    9/8 - 7.8 miles
    9/14 - 16.4 miles
    9/20 - 16.4 miles
    9/27 - 21.2 miles

    Total = 90.48 / 100

    Well, I came close but didn't meet my goal. However, I almost doubled my last personal challenge results so I'd consider it a success. Great month everyone - let's do it again in October!
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Totals for September: (Just started last week)

    Sept 23 - 5.4 miles
    Sept 25 - 13.6 miles
    Sept 26 - 12.1 miles
    Sept 27 - 22.5 miles
    Sept 30 - 16.6 miles

    Total miles in Sept 70.2 Miles