alexterranova Member


  • This happens to me every once in a while..I think because it's been engraved in your head after feeling crappy about yourself for so long that you just believe it for a longer period of time. I literally used to hate what I saw when I looked in the mirror every time, I actually avoided them all together. Now, I'm shocked…
  • oh my god you look PHENOMENAL. i was 150, too! now i'm 125 :] so proud of you for this extreme make over ! i definitely think you should win the figure contest .. you worked hard! good luck on your contest & i hope you win ;]
  • I'll friend you ! congrats on your 9 lbs :] slow and steady most certainly wins the race ! i know a lot of friends who are also trying to lose weight, but as you said - i've found it best not to criticize the way they do it but rather give helpful advice to what i've found has lead me to my success. I lost 25 lbs and now i…
  • ugh i used to go through this all the time! my trick was to keep myself busy on days that i know i have off and nothing to do and might be sitting inside all day. i do A LOT of arts and crafts and do a lot of reading, too. sometimes it also helps to remind myself that if i don't eat whatever i'm thinking of at the time - i…