Not so new ... but ready for friends :)

So I've been on MFP for a few months now and I'm making slow but steady progress (I hear that wins the race so no complaints here). During this time I have been going solo really - logging diet and exercise and reading other's blogs and posts.

My non-MFP friends are all on some form of diet & exercise regime but we are at different levels and I'm not going to nag at them to work out as often as me or to put down the pizza. If they ignore my gentle suggestion to avoid calorific temptations then that's up to them. We are masters of our own destinies after all.

I'm looking for some friends on here who will offer support and I'll gladly return the favour. My food and exercise diary is public and welcome to suggestions and constructive criticism. I'm 9lb down so far with 60lb to go for my target weight, but I'm a dedicated 'big picture' kinda girl so I'm not too daunted.

Would anyone like to friend me? :D


  • alexterranova
    alexterranova Posts: 6 Member
    I'll friend you ! congrats on your 9 lbs :] slow and steady most certainly wins the race ! i know a lot of friends who are also trying to lose weight, but as you said - i've found it best not to criticize the way they do it but rather give helpful advice to what i've found has lead me to my success. I lost 25 lbs and now i have to learn how to keep it off. i definitely have a lot to learn haha..
  • BabeedollB
    BabeedollB Posts: 161 Member
    Congrats on the 9lb loss!! Sent fr :smile:
  • byfaithchristine
    byfaithchristine Posts: 10 Member
    You're on :) I could always use more encouragement and am glad to give it.
  • AviaBatyah
    AviaBatyah Posts: 161 Member
    I sent you a friends request dear. We all can use support and friends going through what we are.
  • I am looking for supportive friends too :)
  • robin49505
    robin49505 Posts: 38 Member
    We're all in this together!!!
  • Nicole921
    Nicole921 Posts: 57 Member
    I'd love to add you. I'm having the same "issue" w friends trying to lose weight as well.
    Great Job on the 9 lbs and becoming committed to your new lifestyle !
  • Charabbidan
    Charabbidan Posts: 24 Member
    Wow amazing response! I suddenly feel popular haha. Thanks everyone. It's funny but now that I KNOW people can see exactly what I'm up to, I feel more inclined to stay within my net calorie allowance rather than creeping over by a few here and there (which I've justified to myself in the past). I'm all smiley now from such a positive immediate response :happy:
  • mignon83
    mignon83 Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Mignon and from Atlanta and trying to lose about 45lbs total. I have change my eating habits a lot in the last two weeks.
    I have use MFP a year ago and just sign back on a week ago and got my cousin and husband to login on too.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Me too, I am brand new and need all the support I can get and more than willing to support others as well. Feel free to add me and good luck to you!
  • paviglia
    paviglia Posts: 5 Member
    9 pounds down! Fantastic!! FR sent :)

    Keep up the great work!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Having a solid friend base on here is what has been the most helpful. I feel much more inclined to log honestly with all the support I have and thfolks here just bring out the positive in you. My wife (hootsmamma) are doing it together and that really helps a lot. Feel free to friend us! Awesome job on the 9lbs so far. Good luck!
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33
    I just requested you. :-) I only have one friend on MFP besides my daughter, but even knowing that one person is out there has made me track, and log-in when I otherwise would have blown it off. I'm new to MFP, but not weight-loss. (really, are any of us doing this for the "first time"-LOL) I was using spark people before, but I LOVE MFP!!! Such a better app, and the social aspect is great too. Similar to a WW meeting room but I can do it on my own time. I'm looking for friends too if anyone wants to add me!
  • travelbypaige
    travelbypaige Posts: 7 Member
    sent you a fr...seems like we're on the same path
  • keaani34
    keaani34 Posts: 33 Member
    I am also looking for a friend here, I am kinda new to the site and so far am loving it but a friend would be nice, I lost 30 pounds before joining this site, and on this site so far 4.6 :), it all adds up right!