I am my own problem. I do so good durning the week and then when the weekend comes everything goes right out the window. I lose 2 pounds then I gain it back. I am getting discouraged and depressed. I just sit there in the house eating cooks and crap. Its not really structured like it is on the weekdays. ERRRR I am so angry at myself when will I learn and stop doing this. I see the problem but then I will still go ahead and eat the things I have no business doing.


  • gr82run
    gr82run Posts: 48 Member
    I've done that too. First thought: get rid of foods that you struggle not to overeat. I know I can have Nabisco cookie thins, but I tend to overeat them when they are around, so I just won't buy them now, until I have a better grip.

    Next thought: How about getting a post-it notepad and during the week, write down notes to yourself about WHY you want to lose weight, and post them on the things you overeat on the weekend, or on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror. Reminds yourself all weekend what a good job you've done all week and to persevere. When you're in that "mood" over the weekend, throw on your tennis shoes and go for a walk. Review in your mind your goals. Make a big hot cup of tea when you get home and congratulate yourself on your new healthy behavior.

  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    I can absolutely relate. I cleaned the kitchn out, substituted healthy snacks for the unhealthy ones. Also, make ahead low cal dishes that are readily available for that sudden snack creep. Hope you can find something that works for you. Dont give up. :P
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    bad habits are hard to break as well as deal with emotional attatchments to food we have. A big feat when beginning a weightloss journey. I had to make a behavioural modification plan and work on changing those can be done....if you are committed to it
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I think that the reason so many people struggle with weekends is because they think of this as a diet, and so are on the diet all week and off it at the weekend.

    its not a diet its supposed to be a lifestyle change...

    My partner and i like to eat out, and do so regulalry - once ot twice a week usually, and i lost weight just fine. you can lose weight and have a social life, you just have to make the healthier choices, salad instead of chips, not having a dessert etc etc.

    just because its the weekend doesnt mean you shouldnt exercise or still make the good choices you made through the week...!
  • That's the only thing I get the oreo's for my son.... :mad: They are not even for me and I don't want to deprive him because his mother has issues leaving them alone. He is a very fit and here and there he ask for a cookie or two. I have to get some inner strength. i want this bad but I just forget how bad I want it when I am shovelling all the sweets and fatty foods.
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    This is my problem. I think the main reason is because weekends are when we catch up with friends, family, etc and it is almost always based on lunches and dinners and other eating events... it's hard but I know I need to get a grip on my will power. Also, because I like to go to the gym during my lunch break at work or directly after work, when I'm at home on the weekends, it's so much more of an effort getting exercise! I totally hear you on this issue, hope it gets better for all of us!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    tinkerbell is there something that gets you to that point when you put that cookie in your in something happened? i use to have no control with chips.... i had to at one point tell my son to get them out of my sight...take them upstairs..out of sight. I am not so bad now since time has passed... but chips are an item i have divorced. We have to get to know our downfalls and work out a plan to help ourselves when the situation arises.
    If there is temptaion and i am struggling...i get out and take a walk...i do something to occupy my thoughts to somethings else. Make a plan of action...n put it into CAN DO IT!!
  • alexterranova
    alexterranova Posts: 6 Member
    ugh i used to go through this all the time! my trick was to keep myself busy on days that i know i have off and nothing to do and might be sitting inside all day. i do A LOT of arts and crafts and do a lot of reading, too. sometimes it also helps to remind myself that if i don't eat whatever i'm thinking of at the time - i can have some the next day or a little later in the day as a reward! i promise myself ghiradelli brownies a lot in moderation for behaving! hahaha it sounds silly, but it actually helps me a lot.

    please don't get discouraged :] we all have days where we give in to temptation, and it's completely healthy. afterall, you're only human. just remember that you're doing the best you can, and there are definitely going to be tough times for sticking to your diet (especially with Thanksgiving around the corner..) and that being mad at yourself or disappointed won't put that food you ate back on the plate. the best thing you can do is be proud of yourself for how far you've come and try harder the next day :]

    good luck on the weightloss, mama!! hope it all turns out the way you want it to!
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    Every time you are tempted to do it, ask yourself what you want more. The oreos or to be healthier? When you are ready to be healthy, the latter will win more than the former. It still won't win all the time, but that's ok.
  • TallyNick
    TallyNick Posts: 27 Member
    Same would happen to thing to do is get out of the house all day on the weekends and go for a walk in the park or something that doesnt have you in front of the tv looking to graze. I had to de-program myself that the weekend was for sitting on the couch and eating snacks all day. And with some foods one or two just leads to more so you might have to go cold turkey on those for a bit until you can handle one or two or none.

    Also get that kid some veggies instead of oreos! :)