runsyrun Member


  • I love sliced avocados in my veggie omelette!!!
    in Avocodos Comment by runsyrun July 2012
  • Missed day one so I'm posting here on day 2....made it through though .....need to work on my roll-up v-ups and kayakers....OUCH!!! In-N-Outs: 25 Bicycles: 25 Crunchy Frog: 25 Cross-Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Ups: 12/each side Scissors: 25 Hip Butt Ups: 25 Heels to the Heavens: 25 Roll-Up V-Ups: 10 Leg Climbers: 12/each leg…
  • Oh wait....I missed the first day....guess I need to log my workout under day two....
  • I'm up for a challenge!!!
  • Take it one day at a time. I'm doing a 28 day weight challenge and I'm only allowed to eat sugar on certain days the other days NO SUGAR at all. It's not so bad since its not every day but I tell you what I love sweets (well certain things) and I notice that m not craving them when taking it one day at a time. Good luck…