

  • I am a Beachbody Coach & have completed P90X twice as well as used a few other BB programs. However, I am also now using Turbo Fire with P90X. I LOVE IT, however, it kicks my butt!!! The choreography does take a bit of time to get down but Chalene has an option on the dvd to choose "new to class" which takes you through…
  • KYLIE! Why didn't you send me an email? I am trying to figure out what you did wrong because I have NEVER until now had anyone say they didn't like it. First, be sure you are mixing the shake well in a blender. For the cleanse specifically, you should use water ONLY....NO milks or juices! ONLY if necessary use part of a…
  • Each of the posts above are correct. I cannot tell you how many times I have to explain to my customers & clients the importance of making sure you eat enough calories to meet your minimum daily requirement. If you are withholding even 100-200 calories per day from your requirement of needed calories, your body will…
  • You should try Shakeology. It works for everyone! Nothing compares! Send me a message & I will share information about it. I have indeed used every fat burner under the sun at some point including Hydroxycut. Missy
  • I am a Beachbody Coach with many customers who are indeed runners, as well as having completed 2 rounds of P90X myself. Actually, most of them say it has helped them tremendously. If you choose to do it, I would suggest using the "Lean" program rather than the "Classic". If you have any further questions, feel free to…
  • Thanks for sharing the recipe! Sounds yummy!
  • There are so many GREAT replys here that I have nothing more really to add........BUT I did just want to compliment those who took the time to make suggestions to her question. The economy is BAD right now & most are looking for ways to save & still eat healthy.....not just those on assistance. God Bless each of you & your…
  • I have been using the Bodybugg every single day for about 3-4 months now. The only time I take it off is to shower. I LOVE it! It is extremely accurate. Before purchasing, I was going by a HR monitor which was claimed to be very good. The HR monitor part was great, BUT the calories burned were proved to be off by as many…
  • I am aware of this information, however, many are not. I simply wanted to say what a GREAT post! You are making progression toward your goal, & you WILL succeed! Keep your focus on the goal & good luck!
  • Ellipticals are so much better than the others you mentioned. However, I have been a trainer for over 10+ years. I can honestly say that I have NO DOUBT you will get BETTER results for much less money by going with a Beachbody program of your liking. My first recommendation for you would be CHALENE EXTREME. It is an…
  • The Bodybugg is SO very worth saving for! I have had mine about 2 months, & I am addicted to it. I previously used the heart rate monitor & there is simply NO comparison.
  • There are so many good responses here to your questions. How awesome this website is to be able to have the support from others willing to give it! I too have been a trainer for years. I simply want to add that I completed Classic in the winter & about to complete Lean. Lean is definitely my fave . In comparing the two,…
  • The pull up is a GREAT tool to have, BUT you can absolutely use resistance bands instead & still get great results. If you indeed owned the REAL P90X rather than a pirated copy, then you noticed the workouts also showed Tony & the others using bands as well. That is to teach you how to modify using bands.
  • Both types of flour are all-purpose, which means they're equally good for making most baked goods. The difference is that bleached flour has been made chemically whiter in appearance than unbleached flour. The bleaching process does compromise some of the flour's nutrients, but they are often added back to the flour. Which…
  • I LOVE HG recipes!!!
  • It made my husband extremely mean also! I dealt with him being hot tempered & verbally abusive for 2 years BEFORE finding out he needed to switch meds! (which in return stressed me out to the point of weight gain!) Therefore, I guess it caused weight gain for me though I did not actually take it LMBO!!!
  • All of these ideas are great. In addition, I recommend making a protein shake or smoothie before attending the events. This is also a way of filling your stomach & with something healthy. This way you are less likely to graze on lots of food, & most likely choose smaller portions as opposed to when you are hungry. The…
  • WAY TO GO! Moving out out of 1 phase at a time ; ) Keep up the good work & determination!
  • IF the band you are currently using does indeed provide enough resistance, it must be one of two things: 1) incorrect form or 2) you are not performing the exercise at a slow enough pace to provide the correct amount of resistance on your muscles. Try watching each exercise a bit more as the dvd goes along through the…
  • So many good suggestions here! I am a mom of a 16yo, 12yo, & 2yo. For me personally, it works best when I am up to workout at 6am before my house gets crazy. At other times I have been known to do it after 10pm. Now that school is out, my 12yo daughter helps occupy the toddler for an hour for me & the most difficult but…
  • You know what I am going to say ; ) The Beachbody Protein Bars are so YUMMY & the best all around that I have tried in all my years of training. Chocolate Peanut Butter is my fave! I do like the Luna bars as well, however, the most important factor to watch for is sugar content....especially when trying to lose weight or…
  • I'm truly sorry for your bad day. We all have difficult days. I have had too many of these myself over the past few months. STRESS! Hang in there! Keep your chin up so your smile doesn't fall ; ) DON'T turn to the chocolate as easy & comforting as it could be. Go for a walk or jog instead. Get some fresh air. Tomorrow will…
  • Tears of accomplishment!!! Job well done! Set your next goal & keep moving forward. So proud of you!
  • Beachbody has THE best whey protein powder. I LOVE the vanilla! Plus, it is no more expensive than the cheap stuff BUT with superior quality. What many of my customers who like & order BB products yet do not own credit cards do is.....purchase pre-pay credit cards at Walgreens. I believe they are behind the counter & you…
  • Great choice of exercise! Jumping rope is one of THE best forms of cardio exercise & for burning calories! I do this most evenings before bed 15-20minutes........100-200 calories in such a short period! Sometimes I do it just because I need a few more calories burned for the day. I recommend it to others all the time. Keep…
  • Way to go! Love that will power!
  • First, let me congratulate you on reaching your goal! Next, I know EXACTLY what your wife means. I would recommend you working out with the P90X program! My husband NEVER had muscles to be seen (LOL) until going through this program. For health & fitness reasons, you should be strength training 3 days per week regardless…
  • How much exercise & what type are you doing? Be sure you continue drinking lots of water especially as the weather warms up. This is the only way your body has to rid the fat.
  • Yes....measure meat raw as well as fresh fruit & vegies. Vegies shouldn't change too much after cooked or this usually means 1)you are cooking them too long which robs the nutrients or 2)using too much oil, butter, etc. Measure pasta after cooking. Hope this helps!
  • I just quit buying ANY artificial sweeteners for my family. None are actually good for you. I use to use Splenda until finding out how bad it was. So I changed to Equal which had the best taste by far, only to later find out it is unhealthy. Ive tried natural Stevia but the aftertaste is awful. I simply have limited my…