smuggle Member


  • I also have been walking daily for years. Having dogs helps ensure I never skip a day.
  • I was stuck at one weight for a while. I stopped eating all processed foods, all wheat products and sugar. I eat almost no grains at this point except for oats and occasional bowl of rice or popcorn. The weight has been falling off. I stick to fruits, veggies, cheese and yogurt, seeds and nuts, lean grass feed meats and…
  • Yes with the IUD. I was tolerating the weight gain, but was unwilling to be pudgy and bald. From what I saw online other women have had the same side effect from the mirena IUD.
  • By bar I am thinking you mean the IUD? I had the one with hormones. MD assured me there was so little hormones it wouldn't impact me a bit. Put on ten of the hardest pounds to lose and then my hair started to fall out. I know some people who had great experiences with them. I prefer to have my hair.
  • I would suggest you work with an ED specialist in both nutrition and counseling before going it alone or asking a forum of people who may be completely unfamiliar with your specific ED issues. To fully recover and safely lose or gain weight could take years for proper nutrition, managing your fear foods, and coping with…
  • I guess I have some serious body image issues to 15% smaller than I thought I was. Perfect Pear, this I knew. Would rather be spaghetti