I have a 25 inch waist. Why do I still feel like a whale?



  • craftergin
    craftergin Posts: 25 Member
    Try this "Get wise about your size" little quiz: http://www.marisota.co.uk/shop/freeformat/page.action?pageId=7758

    Hint: I did it for you already, with your measurements. You're already smaller than the smallest person in that lineup. You're already very slim, we "see" it, without even looking at you.

    You'll have to get your mind to catch up to your body. If that means talking to a professional about it, please do so. That's what help is for.

    Thank you SO much for sharing this link! I am 12.5% smaller that I thought I was. I have an "Athletic" build in that I am a rectangle. I like that! Very cool!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    It sounds like you could be one of those people who weighs more than they look. My cousin is like that. I remember when she was a baby she looked normal but when you picked her up she was really heavy. Your measurements are the same as actresses and models so I don't think you need to lose more weight. If you want to you could lose the 10-15 pounds and still be in the healthy range... but there's a 50/50 chance of it looking great on you or it making you start to look underweight. If you want to lose more, lose it slowly so you can see how your body adjusts. My cousin lost a lot of weight when she got sick and she looked sickly even though some people complimented her on her weight loss.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Remember, those images from those mags are PHOTOSHOPPED.... You cannot compete with Photoshop. You are healthy. Keep working out and start looking at yourself differently. Begin by telling yourself daily that you look good... Do continue to work out but with the purpose of maintaining what you have and being healthy... Not to attain the unattainable. You don't want to be "skinny"... You want to be healthy...There is a difference.

    You are a person of value. See yourself that way. Reject negative thoughts and keep telling yourself that you have a nice body and that you are "lookin' good"... Best wishes. This is a difficult thing to achieve, especially for young women because the advertising industry has been lying to you for decades.
  • smuggle
    smuggle Posts: 6 Member
    I guess I have some serious body image issues to 15% smaller than I thought I was. Perfect Pear, this I knew. Would rather be spaghetti
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Try this "Get wise about your size" little quiz: http://www.marisota.co.uk/shop/freeformat/page.action?pageId=7758

    Hint: I did it for you already, with your measurements. You're already smaller than the smallest person in that lineup. You're already very slim, we "see" it, without even looking at you.

    You'll have to get your mind to catch up to your body. If that means talking to a professional about it, please do so. That's what help is for.

    Sadly enough, even with losing 175lbs, I my results were: you are exactly what you think you are...you are exactly what you think you are...

    Hourglass: A smaller mid-section with a fuller bust and wider hips. The famous hourglass figure is all about curves, so go for outfits that really show off your shape. Scooped necklines and V-necks will frame your shoulders and bust beautifully, while a belt at the waist creates a great central focal point between your shoulders and hips. Think 1950s glamour, A-line skirts and fitted tops to create a stunning outfit for any occasion. If you're looking for something more casual, a pair of straight-legged jeans is a great option to maintain the definition around your hips and legs.

    I picked the next to last body, only because the LAST body was what I looked like *before* l lost 175lbs.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Often times people reach their goal weight but are unsatisfied with their body composition. The term "skinny-fat" is often used to describe what I'm talking about. Maybe somebody only weighs 120 and they're 5'3", but they have minimal muscle, therefor much of their weight is still from fat. Have you considered doing some research on body composition and lifting some weights? I'm not super familiar with what you would need to do, but if "skinny-fat" is your issue, perhaps this would help.

    Another issue I see is people who think once they lose the weight, their body shape will change. If you store weight in certain areas of your body, that's where you store it. You may be a healthy weight but still have a small tummy because that's where your body stores weight. Have you ever seen obese people who have slim legs and carry all of their weight in their stomach and arms? Once they reach a healthy weight, they will still have very thin legs compared to the rest of their body. Perhaps you are unsatisfied with your body shape, in which case there's not much you can do to change that short of building some muscle in the smaller areas to "even it out" so to speak.

    Yep, this was me when I first lost weight at 19 years old. 145lbs, 5'7, size 6... but flabby stomach and my arms were still kind of flabby (I carry a lot of excess weight in my upper arms, yay genetics!). Looking back at pics where I used to think I looked good, now I'm like "eew, so flaaabby" because I am determined to reach more of a bodybuilding aesthetic. i'm heavier now, 175, yet I'm only about a size larger (although my butt and thighs are much more muscular now, so those have skewed how bottoms and even dresses fit me) but 30lbs heavier. Body composition is so much more important than just black and white numbers.
  • nykismile
    nykismile Posts: 198
    I wish I had your waist! I'm 5'5.5", 112 lbs and I have a 26.5 inch waist. It's just the way I'm built, though. I'll never have an hourglass shape, and that'll always bother me, but I try not to dwell on it as much as I have in the past. Try looking at all the little accomplishments you've made so far. Instead of beating myself up for having a larger ribcage or broad shoulders, I'll remind myself that I am stronger now, fitter, and by far healthier.

    Being skinny won't make you happy. Only you can make you happy.
  • intrepidelephant
    intrepidelephant Posts: 100 Member
    I agree, self image issues. Don't think that's a mean comment either, I'm right there with you in a lot of ways.

    I took have a tiny, tiny waist. I carry all my weight in my hips and thighs.

    To move past my "issues" I've been focusing on gaining strength and muscle and completely ignoring the number on the scale.

    Bonus - the strength and weight training has given me some more muscle and made my bust bigger (haha yes!! lol).

    I'm 5'10" 161lbs, bust is 36, waist is 24, hips...well...lol.

    I have an outdoor job which burns a ton of calories. Lots of lifting, and aerobic stuff (pushing an 80 lb mower around 3 hours a day is better than the gym). I never go to the gym. Too tired. Work 12 hours a day. My body fat is about 21% according to my fancy scale. It used to be around 23%