

  • Dont ever feel guilty for losing weight, especially since you are sticking to your calorie counting and exercise. You dont need to tell her how you are doing she will be able to see it in your clothes size dropping and over all look, maybe that will spark her to start. People have false starts all the time and you never…
  • MFP will definitly help you count calories, good luck!
  • You could try flavored water, it makes it a little easier to drink, if you watching tv chug two big gulps during commercials not to mention cold water is easier to drink when your sweating in the gym. When it rains it pours, your tooth will get fixed today, your sinus thing will get better and pass, 5lbs is a fantastic…
  • The way i look at it is look how fast time is going by, we are already in feb. Just taking one day at a time and exercising and eating good and before you know it you will reach the point were you are seeing results and you want more of it and exercising and eating right becomes an obsession. Never say to yourself you have…
  • I try to at least drink four or five 16 oz bottle of waters a day, more sometimes if im doing cardio. Also you went over your calories alot so if you have a favorite thing you like to eat look at ways you can trim calories at breakfast or lunch so that you can have more for dinner, that works for me. I have only lost a…
  • Congratulations on your progress dan!